Emrys said:Nice Spam Job there...
You're free to speak your mind, but that doesn't make you intelligent or mean you have anything interesting to say....
Graphite said:Yeah, wow... let's start comparing two biased bench marks against each other.
yes, your view is welcome with your very extensive and content filled post, bravo.
Bottom line is that Intel and especially AMD will run faster.
Emrys said:I'll believe it when I see it...
Graphite said:as for writing benchmarks that run 'good' on macs only.. what do you think PC is doing? they are choosing benchmarks that appear to run better on a PC.
You really really, need to open your eyes man. seriously you have no idea what your talking about.
Murlyn said:I am quite curious about that also.. I know at the time the G5 was the fastest personal computer, which according to the website.. it still is, but theoretically.. I am interesting in the AMD64...
Emrys said:I think PCMag would do anything to sell a copy. Who buys mags these days?
Your comment about the theoretical design of the AMD64 intrigues me....
What do you mean by that? Care to explain what the design of the AMD64 is, what they are they trying to accomplish? I am totally serious here.....
Emrys said:What clock speeds are we talking?
If you have a 4GHz Athlon and a 2 GHz G5, then this is obvious...
What you posted just defines the bench... What are the marks and specs?