Hello all. My supervisor asked me today how I felt about switching to PC...I told him that I was ok with it. Am I wrong?
I started on Mac in 1990. Bought my first Mac in 1991 and was a die-hard Mac loyalist...standing around at Best Buy in 1996 volunteering my time to help people by Macs. I taught on Macs from 1992-1997. When I left teaching, I went into private industry with a company that had proprietary software that required a PC. So, I grudgedly bought one (1997). Over the next couple of years, I was drawn more into the PC world, and finally sold my last Mac in '99 or thereabouts. I am currently working on a XP laptop and actually like the system...MUCH more so that 98 or ME.
Anwyay, a couple of months ago, I returned to teaching...the same position I taught from 92-97: photography/desktop publishing.
The class is a High School class in a low economic school. Most of the students do NOT have a computer at home. If they do, it definately is NOT a Mac. In my school, there are NO other Macs, with very few in the district...mostly from the ones handed down from the 601 PowerMacs I bought back in 95.
The question is right now that the lab desparately needs to be upgraded. We are in the process of upgrading to digital photography and photoshop needs upgrading, but the computers need upgrading. We have 15 G3 iMacs at 233, and 5 eMac G4 at 800. I just learned from here that OS 10 is a no go on the iMacs...and I canceled the order.
The point is that the lab needs upgrading. In January, money will be available to upgrade the lab to whatever I request, Mac or PC.
At this point, I am not convinced why stick with Mac. I don't like OS10...it seems slow, even on the new G4s. Photoshop drags bad.
So, why stick with Mac under the circumstances? The students will NEVER use a Mac again, and I am already having to overcoming learning challenges and unteach the little bit of experience they may already have from some PC experience. I am even going to abandon PageMaker in favor of Word becuase it being unrealistic that they will EVER use PageMaker again.
On the positive side, I don't want to develop materials all year long, and then have to turn around and redevelop them again for PC, so if the thoughts are to stay with Mac, then that will be great, wtih less work...unless of course I upgrade to OS 10 with the new computers, and have to redevelop everything anyway.
Let me know what you all think!
I started on Mac in 1990. Bought my first Mac in 1991 and was a die-hard Mac loyalist...standing around at Best Buy in 1996 volunteering my time to help people by Macs. I taught on Macs from 1992-1997. When I left teaching, I went into private industry with a company that had proprietary software that required a PC. So, I grudgedly bought one (1997). Over the next couple of years, I was drawn more into the PC world, and finally sold my last Mac in '99 or thereabouts. I am currently working on a XP laptop and actually like the system...MUCH more so that 98 or ME.
Anwyay, a couple of months ago, I returned to teaching...the same position I taught from 92-97: photography/desktop publishing.
The class is a High School class in a low economic school. Most of the students do NOT have a computer at home. If they do, it definately is NOT a Mac. In my school, there are NO other Macs, with very few in the district...mostly from the ones handed down from the 601 PowerMacs I bought back in 95.
The question is right now that the lab desparately needs to be upgraded. We are in the process of upgrading to digital photography and photoshop needs upgrading, but the computers need upgrading. We have 15 G3 iMacs at 233, and 5 eMac G4 at 800. I just learned from here that OS 10 is a no go on the iMacs...and I canceled the order.
The point is that the lab needs upgrading. In January, money will be available to upgrade the lab to whatever I request, Mac or PC.
At this point, I am not convinced why stick with Mac. I don't like OS10...it seems slow, even on the new G4s. Photoshop drags bad.
So, why stick with Mac under the circumstances? The students will NEVER use a Mac again, and I am already having to overcoming learning challenges and unteach the little bit of experience they may already have from some PC experience. I am even going to abandon PageMaker in favor of Word becuase it being unrealistic that they will EVER use PageMaker again.
On the positive side, I don't want to develop materials all year long, and then have to turn around and redevelop them again for PC, so if the thoughts are to stay with Mac, then that will be great, wtih less work...unless of course I upgrade to OS 10 with the new computers, and have to redevelop everything anyway.
Let me know what you all think!