I am running a G4 350 with Panther that has been freezing since upgrading (and I am not sure if "upgrading" is the correct term) to OSX...The only thought left is the Radeon card I purchased to run my Cinema display. Maybe faulty...It is a 7000 PCI 32 mg card...I will run a test with another monitor and my original Rage card and see if the freezing stops...It is the only other issue I have not checked...I said all that to say this.........
I bought a dual 450, with a gig of ram, gig ethernet etc.....I want to purchase a Video Card for it...OK, am I better off with an AGP Radeon card as opposed to a PCI card, and is a 64 mg card enough to run my graphics apps (Photoshop, Quark, In Design, etc.) or should I be at 128 mg? I will take any and all thoughts....Fstop
I bought a dual 450, with a gig of ram, gig ethernet etc.....I want to purchase a Video Card for it...OK, am I better off with an AGP Radeon card as opposed to a PCI card, and is a 64 mg card enough to run my graphics apps (Photoshop, Quark, In Design, etc.) or should I be at 128 mg? I will take any and all thoughts....Fstop