Yes, but they had no real choice other than MS because MS stifled completion in the OS market. You keep missing the point here. The playing field was NEVER level because MS never allowed it to be. The made it that way through illegal and/or unethical tactics. None of this is really open to debate, it's more or less all been proven by the US DOJ and EU.
I know MS had a hand in O/S2, heck MS WROTE the silly thing and then wrote Windows to compete with it. This is a true choice how?
Apples decisions were what they were, but they have little to do with the subject at hand. The fact remains that MS gained a monopoly status by bullying, manipulation and illegal tactics. I find it odd that you are defending a system that was clearly corrupt and stifled innovation.
If every single thing MS has done has been illegal like you're claiming, they would not be around. Plain and simple.
The whole anti trust thing came about because Microsoft was bundling IE with Windows. OSX has safari. Should the us government sue Apple because they're bundling a web browser with their OS, causing all the innocent people out there to use it instead of getting motivated to seek their own browser?
Any of the companies they threatened to revoke the licenses of for removing IE from the pre installed Windows OS on thier machines could have gotten ahold of Apple and ran OSX instead of Windows....oh, that's right. Apple will only run their OS on their hardware. That would be considered a monopoly if Apple had majority of the market share.
The goal of every company is to out do the competition so they are the sole provider of a project. There is no company out there that's going to say, "Hey, lets give those guys a piece of our market share because we fill sorry for them". They're going to do every thing they can to boost their revenue. And if they have a contract with a company, for example, that sells computers and wants to use their OS, there's probably a part in that contract that says you have to sell the OS as packaged, you cannot remove features like indexed searching, internet browsers, control panel functions, and the ability to change system hardware.
MS is the biggest target out there, there's going to always be some one targeting them until there is something bigger around.
Oh, and if there isn't a web browser installed on your new OS, and you haven't purchased one, but would like to download exactly do you go about downloading a web browser if you can't get to the site to download it?
Apple has done things that reflect business decisions that Microsoft has made in the past. When's the last time Apple was sued for it?
Besides, if Bill Gates is the Devil, why does he give so much money to charities and research foundations?