I've been using a TimeCapsule for several years now and it has always been wifi connected.
The OS X Yosemite introduced some issues when trying to restore backed up data; Apple recommends when Time Machine is slow: "If your backup disk is a Time Capsule, leave your Mac in the same room as the Time Capsule for the initial backup, or use an Ethernet cable to connect your Mac to one of the Ethernet ports on the Time Capsule".
I have not found a good answer on how to change this connection from wifi to ethernet. Some recommend to turn off the wifi altogether - I can't do that as I need it for other devices - Others suggest to do this change using AirPort Utility but, when I access Airport Utility I can't find/follow the instructions given.
Your help is appreciated.
The OS X Yosemite introduced some issues when trying to restore backed up data; Apple recommends when Time Machine is slow: "If your backup disk is a Time Capsule, leave your Mac in the same room as the Time Capsule for the initial backup, or use an Ethernet cable to connect your Mac to one of the Ethernet ports on the Time Capsule".
I have not found a good answer on how to change this connection from wifi to ethernet. Some recommend to turn off the wifi altogether - I can't do that as I need it for other devices - Others suggest to do this change using AirPort Utility but, when I access Airport Utility I can't find/follow the instructions given.
Your help is appreciated.