Blogger Guidelines

Mac-Forums is a great place for discussing all things Mac and iOS related. But we know there are a lot of great stories out there that you guys might want to share: the relaunched Mac-Forums blog is the perfect place to tell those stories.

Whether you would like to share your experiences with a new accessory, tell tales about the iPad you set up for your Windows-loving Boss, or post some pics of a new mystery device you found in a bar, the blog is the place to do so.

Types of articles suitable for the blog:

  • Reviews of accessories, software and hardware.
  • Interesting stories, experiences, or Apple-related events you’d like to share with the community.
  • Tips, walkthroughs, guides, tools or other helpful content you’ve created, that you would like to share.

Here are some examples, toget the general idea:

  • “Review: Logitech xtreme scrolling Keyboard”
  • “I scream, you scream, Steve and I had ice cream!”
  • “Using Facetime to convince people you’re from the future”

There are so many other Mac blogs out there, so we need to try to give our posts an interesting angle or personal touch of some sort. Don’t regurgitate the opinions and stories that you can read on a million other blogs –*try to approach topics from a unique angle or point of view. You manage your local Segway polo team? Then write about the Bento database you built to manage your equipment.

General Content Guidelines

  • Spelling and Grammar:
    Your Mac has built-in tool that will check your spelling and grammar for you, please use them!
  • Keep it concise:
    In-depth articles and reviews can get quite long. Try to self-edit and leave out any superfluous or repetitive sections you may have written. If your article is turning into “War & Peace”, consider adding sub headings to break it up into sections, or turn it into a multi-part post.
  • Pictures are nice:
    If possible, add photos or illustrating images to your article. Images really help tease/draw-in potential readers of your blog articles.  Most of us have smartphones with high quality lenses…a perfect way to add some images to a blog article.  If you don’t have an image of your own, try to find a creative commons image to use instead, but make sure you respect the copyright of the original artist.

Here are a few guides that can be used to assist with blog article writing which help us maintain consistency:


If you have an interesting story to tell and would like to write for the Mac-Forums blog, get in touch with our blogging team! If you have a sample of previous writing, that’s great. If not, just send us your idea or pitch for your first post.

Please contact any Mac-Forums Staff member via private message (PM) on the forum if you’re interested.