Windows to Mac transfer needs help

Mar 10, 2010
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I recently got a Mac at work and i'm considering buying a Mac for my next home computer because i like the fact that Macs generally seem to last way longer than PCs but first i'd like to know if there are any simple work-arounds for a few things that have really been bugging me (coming from years of PC use)...

1. Renaming files - everytime i click an icon and then click again on it's name in order to change it i end up inadvertently opening the file. It always takes me a few tries and i'm used to just being able to right click, rename. Is there a way to modify the right click menu for files so that there is a rename option?

2. Deleting files - in Windows i could do this just by highlighting the files and hitting delete on the keyboard. Is there an equally simple way of doing this on Mac?

3. Copying/moving files - when i drag a file from one directory to another, the Mac assumes i want to move it. In Windows I can click with the right mouse and drag, and i have the option of copying or moving. Is there a way of copying a file to a new location without first having to click on it and make a copy?

4. Jumbled icons - in icon view i don't like the way that the icons are able to overlap and jumble together unless i manually arrange them. I can't see what use overlapping files/applications would ever have - is there a way to set up my Mac so that icons always snap to grid?

5. Highlighting files - in Windows i can click on a file, then shift-click on another one to select all files in between. Is there an equivalent shortcut for doing this on a Mac?

Thanks for your help guys!
Mar 2, 2010
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New Zealand
1: I don't know of a way to rename directly by right click, but if you go Get Info you can edit the name under the Name and Extension section.

2: Command + Delete (the one on the main part of the keyboard not the Delete on the navigation part out to the side)

3: Option + Drag

4: Right Click open space, Arrange By, then whatever takes yah fancy.

5: I think both CTR + Click and SHIFT + Click select multiple files in various ways.


Retired Staff
Dec 22, 2006
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Texas, where else?
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1. Well, in OS X, since you're going to have to type anyway to rename the file, instead of the need for a right click and then scroll through the menu and click on rename, you just simple press the enter/return key after you have selected it. In Finder, once you have a file highlighted, you can also just click on the file name and edit. Only need to wait like a half a second after it's selected, just slightly slower than a double click.

2. You would use cmd + del to move a file to the trash once highlighted.

3. Can't help you here. I just don't make copies of files in multiple locations within the same partition. Never have.

4. I assume you're talking about Finder here. I use to have that same problem when I first got my Mac. Haven't seen it in a long time now, so I guess I fixed it somehow. When Finder is open, click on the Action icon at the top of the window (looks like a wheel) and select 'Show View Options'.

5. Works exactly the same in OS X as it does in Windows. Shift click will select all files between it and the first selection, while ctrl click will allow you to select multiple individual files.
May 22, 2005
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Closer than you think.
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Performa 6116 2GBSCSI 8MB OS 7.5.3
1- Use Enter/Return to rename once file is selected
Mar 10, 2010
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Thanks guys this is really helpful! I'm still not able to shift-click to select a bunch of files though (this is in icon mode)...
May 18, 2008
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Amberley, Canterbury, New Zealand
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MacMini 14.3, 8.1 & 4.1, OS 13.5, 10.14, & 10.11 & 10.6; Macbook Pro 8.2, OS 10.12.
Shift-L click allows you to select multiple icons, one after the other, to move, delete etc. That is, in your terminology, "in icon mode". Mac refers to it as Desktop or Finder. We need to differentiate between Desktop/Finder, and Window modes.

In an open window eg. the Games folder, and with icons/folders in list mode, if you Shift-click on the top item, and then on the bottom one, all files within the window will be selected. Another way is to L-click/hold and drag (diagonally) across all the icons you wish to select. For some reason I don't understand, that doesn't always work within a window, and you need to use the Shift-click method.

Command-A will select ALL icons in ANY location in ANY mode.

To copy a selected file to another location, eg. folder, without moving the original, Option (hold)-L-click (hold) and drag.

Command-D will duplicate a selected file, which you can then move to wherever you want.

Incidentally, and so contributors can help you better, always give your OS version, since not all MacOS were created equal! :) In fact, it's a good idea to list your Mac Specs, including OS, in your 'bestofboth' identity.
Sep 9, 2009
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Down Under :D
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Back to my old 2.2GHz C2D MB after selling my MBP and wondering what my next Mac will be :)
I recommend going through these.... there is a large list of tutorials under the Anatomy of a Mac tutorial.
Great for switchers and everyday Mac users alike.

Apple - Find Out How - Mac Basics
Mar 11, 2010
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Atlanta, GA
I did a bunch of this at work. I recommend a program called Better Finder Renamer. It will rename a batch of files to Windows/SMB names without one click. Saved me ALOT of time. Moved 300 users from Mac to PC this way (I know, TRAITOR!)....Didn't have a choice. Do a search on the program. I think you'll like it!


Since there are multiple ways of doing most operations on a Mac, I'm going to add the ways I do the things you're talking about. Might be the same as what others have posted, might be different!

1. Renaming files - everytime i click an icon and then click again on it's name in order to change it i end up inadvertently opening the file.

I single-click the file, then press return, start typing, and press return again. Works every time.

2. Deleting files - in Windows i could do this just by highlighting the files and hitting delete on the keyboard. Is there an equally simple way of doing this on Mac?

Right-click -> select "Move to Trash."

3. Copying/moving files - when i drag a file from one directory to another, the Mac assumes i want to move it. In Windows I can click with the right mouse and drag, and i have the option of copying or moving. Is there a way of copying a file to a new location without first having to click on it and make a copy?

Hold down the option key while dragging.

4. Jumbled icons - in icon view i don't like the way that the icons are able to overlap and jumble together unless i manually arrange them. I can't see what use overlapping files/applications would ever have - is there a way to set up my Mac so that icons always snap to grid?

View -> Arrange by (whatever)

5. Highlighting files - in Windows i can click on a file, then shift-click on another one to select all files in between. Is there an equivalent shortcut for doing this on a Mac?

This works as you would expect on the Mac -- in a Finder window set to anything other than "Icon View." On the desktop, you must "lasso" multiple files with the mouse (click and drag).
Nov 9, 2009
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Thanks guys this is really helpful! I'm still not able to shift-click to select a bunch of files though (this is in icon mode)...

To select a whole folder full of images, highlight the folder then press cmd (apple) and then the 'A' key.

To select a bunch of files that are altogether highlight the first file and then hold down the shift key and select the last file, this will highlight all the files in between.

If you want to just select the individual files then hold down the cmd key and click the files you want to highlight.

Another way of deleting files is to just drag the file from the window and drop it over the 'Trash' icon in your dock, this is the way I always do it.

Renaming files, it takes a while to get used to it's all about timing and how the speed of your mouse is set up in the system preferences, I'm always opening files by mistake and get very frustrated so it's good to know that you can change it by highlighting the file and hitting the return key, I didn't know you could do that.
Nov 19, 2006
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York, UK
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iMac: 5K 27” (2020), 3.3 GHz, 32Gb RAM. iPad2, iPad mini4, iPhone 13 Mini, Apple Watch SE
4. Jumbled icons - in icon view i don't like the way that the icons are able to overlap and jumble together unless i manually arrange them. I can't see what use overlapping files/applications would ever have - is there a way to set up my Mac so that icons always snap to grid?

I'd never seen this until yesterday following my upgrade to Snow Leopard at the weekend. Also, from the time of the upgrade when I move files while using icon/Thumbnail view a space is left behind rather than in pre-Snow Leopard days where subsequent files move up to fill the gap. I've put both down to a Snow Leopard glitch that will get sorted eventually.
May 18, 2008
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Amberley, Canterbury, New Zealand
Your Mac's Specs
MacMini 14.3, 8.1 & 4.1, OS 13.5, 10.14, & 10.11 & 10.6; Macbook Pro 8.2, OS 10.12.
Is Clean Up Selection in Desktop and Window (icon) modes no longer part of Leopard and S-Leopard? That's a useful way of tidying up disarranged icons.

Snap to Grid (Panther & Tiger OS) is to be found at Desktop > Finder > View > Show View Options.

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