Why won't QT cross OSes?

May 21, 2006
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Greetings. Or is it me?

I've cobbled together a website courtesy of iWeb '06.

The movie I've put together with iMovie, shared ensuring it's fit for web streaming etc etc. I've published it on .Mac - the page is http://http://web.mac.com/asmitchell/iWeb/Site/luke%20kelly%202%20clips.html
and it's fine on Firefox and Safari.

Now I would like my Windows owning friends to be able to view it. However, when I check (using Windows 2000(!) under Parallels) whilst sound is there, there is no video.

Is there a setting I need to adjust?

If anyone out there uses XP or Vista, could they let me know if it works there, please?

This is a really annoying problem which I would like resolved.

Thanks Mitcherooney
Aug 2, 2005
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2.6GHz Core i7 15" MacBook Pro - 8GB DDR3 SDRAM - 750GB 7200 RPM HDD - GeForce 650M GT 1GB VRAM
The video works fine over here on Firefox 3 in my XP partition. Are you sure you have Quicktime and the browser plugin installed?
May 21, 2006
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Thanks for the info., Discerptor.

The fact is, I don't know... From time to time, on IE6, I've had a message from QT indicating that something is missing, and it goes onto say that 'Unfortunately.. it is not available on the QT Server.' Great.

To compound things, IE7 doesn't work on Win 2000.....

A friend living in Canada said that the Luke Kelly page didn't work for her either. I'll get in touch and find out what OS she's using.

Is QT the right format - is Flash going to be more reliable? Or something?

Or, perish the thought, am I going to have to shell out for XP?

Questions, questions....... Cheers M
Aug 2, 2005
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Your Mac's Specs
2.6GHz Core i7 15" MacBook Pro - 8GB DDR3 SDRAM - 750GB 7200 RPM HDD - GeForce 650M GT 1GB VRAM
Might I suggest reinstalling Quicktime in your Windows? Also, did you check using Firefox or IE? If it works in Firefox but not IE, it's possible that IE6 is just so behind the times with standards that iWeb uses some current web standard you'd need IE7 or better to take advantage of. Also make sure your Canuck friend has Quicktime installed.
May 21, 2006
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Hello again.

Well, last night I downloaded and installed QT (Version 6.5.2) on the Windows partition.

My Canadian friend uses XP. She's in a bit of tiswas - off to a wedding and wasn't able to let me know what version of IE she's on, but at a guess, it will be IE7. Also because she's rushing madly to get out the door, I can't find out if if she's got QT or not.

I did check using both Firefox and IE on my Windows machine, but no joy on either.
If I click on the QT player shortcut I get the following messages:

Picture 1.png

Instead of QT is there not some all singing and dancing format that both Mac and Windows users could employ - I'm thinking of the majority of Windows - clearly there's more of them - which they could view a movie without having the complication (?) of downloading additional software in order to view a very basic web page?

Reading this back, perhaps I should attempt to reinstall QT as you said at outset. Right, I've done that and no error message this time!

But, still no joy. Sound but no picture. Very frustrating.

Eureka! I've just resurrected and old Windows only machine - also running Win 2000. So far I've only checked it using Firefox. But it works! So clearly it's a Parallels issue. So maybe I'm on the right track at last.

I should have acted on your first suggestion. So thanks for your time and effort. Cheers M

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