To be honest, I think there's more criticism on the net of Microsoft and PCs!
By a mile
I have been known to troll Mac users, and PC users in various forums, and the reaction really depends where you are.
If you go to a forum full of PC gamers, and tell them how great you Mac is, you'll get the biggest flame war you've ever seen. They're all like, 15 years old and they'll genuinely hate you.
But they're extremes. There are some real Mac zealots about too. I saw a link to a thread in a forum a few years back where some guy pretended he had taken the guts out of a G5 (which had only just been launched), and put a P4 in it, and was running Windows.
He actually got death threats for that. Funny stuff.
The thing is, it's always an imbalanced argument. Even moreso now - Windows has always been about the software. Mac is about hardware as well. Now we're all starting to run Intel chips, it's *only* about hardware.
I use both. I have never really seen a huge difference between Windows and OSX. They're both competent PC operating systems, they both fall over now and then, there's not much to choose. But hardwarewise, Mac has always been head and shoulders above just about anything else on the market.
Anyway, nowadays as there is some fraternity between the Mac and MS camps, we should all do the right thing and troll Linux users.
Did I say that out loud?