


I am trying to get my Titanium rigged for wardriving. Downloaded the appropriate software to drive an Orinoco Gold PC card, but cannot get it to recognize the card when plugged in. Any suggestions? Anyone know how to get my machine set up for wardriving? Seems to me as though with the 802.11 Apple Airport card installed (which I have), if I could connect a Yagi antenna to the laptop I'd be ready to go. Anyone have suggestions for connecting an antenna to the installed equipment? Thanks!!


What is wardriving....It sounds fun and interesting....and like something I've neverheard of....hence me asking...instead of giving suggestions... ;)


wardriving is when someone drives around town with a metre device in his car picking up on wi-fi internet connections around town..mostly looking for unprotected networks to leach off of !

nice people ehh


wow nice can you do that legally, i mean a I doubt that you can get in troublebut can you


Yep, it's completely legal. Whether it's ethical or not is another story.... ;)

I found a neat program called Macstumbler that may help you... can't help with the driver issues tho.


Sounds fun....my house would be a perfect place for wardriving...my firend accross the street can reach our signal....though I think I might be securing it....I just don't know if I really care all that much....


ahh get krismac and look up the cards that work well with the program!

kris mac will work with a gps mouse to map for ya!!!!

nice wardriving app and it will speek the ssids to ya so you can wardrive like a real geek on your own!!!

you can try out this too

hold down

ctrl, option, apple and 8

great for nite tiime stealth missions

try the kris mac program cause it has it's own drivers!!!



I should warn anyone who's new to the wardriving thing.. it may come as quite a shock when your internet no longer works when running KisMAC. This is how the software works... it's nothing unusual. Quitting KisMAC should fix it.

However, a few times quitting kisMAC doesn't seem to help; there might be a better solution, but for me I had to restart to fix it.


the having to restart was fixed in the update that i posted... its newer than the beta from kismac's homepage. i've tried it out on my Tibook successfully and i haven't had to restart since using this release. :)

as for losing your internet connection, kismac explanes that in their faq. the reason is that kismac loads a seperate driver for passive detection. this driver only works with kismac. kinda sucks, but thats the nature of the beast. besides if your wardriving, you won't be connected to any networks... just sniffing :)

imho kismac is great for wifi network testing. macsniffer is a little better for wardriving as it allows you to connect to open AP's :)


war driving leagal??????????????????? what about theft of service????? i go war drving w/ my g4 powerbook, no need for external wifi cards mine has it built in for all standards. i recomend getting a prog called macstumbler, great little prog. i live in nyc, i drive around not even manhattan for about 10 minutes and get about 20 wireless networks, most people are stupid and dont password protect their network.


1) Please use, if not completely proper, at least mature sounding grammar.... and you never need more than 3 question marks in one place.
2) Just because people don't pw protect their network doesn't automatically make them stupid. They may a) not be able to run the drivers provided by the company (linksys doesn't make Mac drivers for the particular AP I have....) or b) intentionally leave it unprotected as an act of good will (which I would do even if i could protect my network.) Reserve the "stupid" word for those that leave their wireless network unprotected *and* share their entire C drive. ;-)
3) KisMAC can see both protected and unprotected networks, and there's even a "crack" menu to find the passwords for protected ones.
4) Theft of service? I'm not quite sure where you were going with that as you kind of went off in a completely different direction... but no legal problems with wardriving. As far as the law is concerned anyone with an access point is *giving* their internet access away.


StarManta said:
1) Please use, if not completely proper, at least mature sounding grammar.... and you never need more than 3 question marks in one place.
2) Just because people don't pw protect their network doesn't automatically make them stupid. They may a) not be able to run the drivers provided by the company (linksys doesn't make Mac drivers for the particular AP I have....) or b) intentionally leave it unprotected as an act of good will (which I would do even if i could protect my network.) Reserve the "stupid" word for those that leave their wireless network unprotected *and* share their entire C drive. ;-)
3) KisMAC can see both protected and unprotected networks, and there's even a "crack" menu to find the passwords for protected ones.
4) Theft of service? I'm not quite sure where you were going with that as you kind of went off in a completely different direction... but no legal problems with wardriving. As far as the law is concerned anyone with an access point is *giving* their internet access away.

??????????????????????/ thats just for starters. yea theft of service, when you steal something that people are paying for... its a crime. what do drivers have to do w/ putting a password on your router. log into router apply password protect. if your giving your bandwidth that you pay for away then yes you are stupid.. hope this is mature enough


not really, they could be someone just willing to share... i know several ppl in my area like that. talked to them personally. they like the idea of helping out others. i think its called a "kind heart"...

but really...
here in the "states", if you don't lock down your signal using WEP, MAC identify, etc. then the authorities assume you are giving your service away, and have no legal grounds to sue, arrest, harass, whatever......


So where does the software that a war driver use saying that this person is being " kinda hearted" it doesnt and wont...your intention on "wardriving" is to steal internet access it all boils down to that..nothing more...would you do this just for laughs and giggles...no..of course not...your a theif a heart and that is all. No different than joe brown downloading music or video games.
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
What happens to the innocent drivee, victim of a war driver, when the cops burst in and arrest him because his ISP's records show him downloading child porn and instructions for blowing up bridges, gassing subways and wearing white after Labor Day?


very good point specailly now with the RIAA breathing down the necks of all the ISP's out there demanding IP information for ppl that have downloaded songs.

Hey just figured how to get of a law suit against them...think id work " sorry sir i never downloaded those songs..i found out that someone hacked my wireless connection and downloaded them....serious...i had nothing to do with it ? "

not that i would have to worry about it seing as how my job pays for my downloads from itunes :)


Ok, maybe wardriving is fun, but is it really something that could set the cops of is the question, not if it is kind or your sharing it. the real question is, if you get caught by someone that doesent want you borrowing your net than what ya gonna do. ya gonna get busted or they just gonna laugh. Theres your question of the day, and maybe it is a kind thing, but I guess it all depends on the person, and weather the law comes into play.So go figure


1) "What happens to the innocent drivee, victim of a war driver, when the cops burst in and arrest him because his ISP's records show him downloading child porn and instructions for blowing up bridges, gassing subways and wearing white after Labor Day?" Unless they find evidence of the kiddy porn or whatever on the actual computer, traffic to that network will not incriminate you.
2) Most people pay a fixed fee for bandwidth, so sharing their wifi is not a big deal. If they do not pay a flat fee, it's their responsibility to secure their network. If you crack their protected network AND they don't pay a fixed fee, that could possibly be considered theft of service.
3) "your intention on "wardriving" is to steal internet access it all boils down to that." Well you answered it: "would you do this just for laughs and giggles" Yes, and research, and sheer curiosity. Some people, myself included, would like to know how much wifi is around their city. It's fun. when I have kismac running, I rarely think of whether I'm going to actually use the wifi - it's just fun to know that it's there.


so then why not do a survay you can find out jsut as easily if someone is using wireless, but then i guess all you computer geeks who are into the who data stats of wifi really have no life and probably cant hold up a conversation person to person. serious it should just be like anything else. if you get caught with the equipement .. content. i could see if your actually working for a stats company where it would make sence..but for your own personnal use...what personnal use..just to know joe brown on the corner of 1st and 2nd has wifi...WOW your on the top of the world now arent you !

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