Battery Fun
jaster said:
I read somewhere that it is best to keep the battery in whether or not you are running off the power cord. A battery that is just sittng around full or empty slowly deteriorates. It is best to run the battery from full to empty on a regular basis. Whether regular means weekly, monthly, or daily I do not know. Even a slow drain on the battery is better than leaving it sitting around for any period of time. That's why it is good to store batteries in the freezer.
It is not best to run a batter full or empty if it is Lithium cell. All iBook batteries are lithiums, which means using them until they are flat dead is not required. In fact, if you were to drain a lithium completely dead (almost impossible if you are trying) it will die forever.
I bought an iBook on eBay a while back and it came to me with a dead battery. I have never replaced it (still looking for a good deal on one). The down side to not having a battery is that your time and date resets all the time. I would think there would be a separate battery for that, but aparently not.
I would think removing your battery would be a good move. Lithiums have a life of about 500 cycles. But if you are going to keep it out for an extended period of time, charge it full before removing it. If you use up a lithium battery, and then put it on a shelf for a few months, it will probably never live again.