A couple of years ago I bought a 2nd hand imac. At the time it had OS 10.5 loaded and came with a set of 10.4 installation disks, but no 10.5 disks.
I had to load 10.4 in order to run some recording software and this has all been working fine.
I'm currently on 10.4.9. but I now want to upgrade to the original 10.5 OS and maybe download the most recent upgrade for this version of OS.
When I originally loaded 10.4 I was prompted to make a back up of the existing OS onto the internal hard drive, which I did.
How do I now access this in order to get back the original OS? I don't want Snow Leopard.
A couple of years ago I bought a 2nd hand imac. At the time it had OS 10.5 loaded and came with a set of 10.4 installation disks, but no 10.5 disks.
I had to load 10.4 in order to run some recording software and this has all been working fine.
I'm currently on 10.4.9. but I now want to upgrade to the original 10.5 OS and maybe download the most recent upgrade for this version of OS.
When I originally loaded 10.4 I was prompted to make a back up of the existing OS onto the internal hard drive, which I did.
How do I now access this in order to get back the original OS? I don't want Snow Leopard.