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Tonight on YML

Oct 27, 2002
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro | LED Cinema Display | iPhone 4 | iPad 2
Source: http://www.yourmaclife.com

Dancers, gamers, Switchers and more will be featured on tonight's episode of Your Mac Life, the Internet radio show about all things Mac.

Last week in New York City, Troika Ranch presented the ''Future of Memory," a combination of dance, theater, original music, and interactive digital media. The show's interactive digital media is all being run by Macs, and YML will look at how it's done on tonight's show.

Columnist Mike Wendland, or "Mac Mike," is a technology writer for the "Detroit Free Press." Formerly known as "PC Mike," Wendland is a "Switcher," and he'll tell how and why he made the move on tonight's YML.

Writer and Mac pundit Matthew Rothenberg weighed in last week with his opinions on the Microsoft/Connectix deal. He'll talk to Shawn King, host-producer of YML, about how the deal will be good for Apple. Microsoft announced on February 19 that they had acquired Connectix Corp.'s Virtual PC products, including Virtual PC for Mac, Virtual PC for Windows and Virtual Server. Microsoft also hired many of the Connectix employees that worked on the products to continue development.

As always, MacCentral's Peter Cohen will be on hand with the latest Mac gaming news. This week, he'll have a guest: Amy Torres of Aspyr Media, who will discuss the company's plans to publish SpyHunter. Yesterday Aspry announced plans to bring Midway's popular console action game to the Mac.

Have questions for any of tonight's guests? E-mail them to YML producer-host Shawn King.

You can catch Your Mac Life every Wednesday evening from 5:30-8:30 pm (Pacific). You can also join one of the two chat rooms that run during the live show: on the World Without Borders site or on the dedicated IRC Server at irc.netmug.org in the #yourmaclife Channel.

Your Mac Life also has a "blog" section, as well as a MPEG-4 stream. You can tune in to the video feed by opening QuickTime 6 and typing in the proper URL (rtsp://qt.yourmaclife.com/yml/testing) during the live show.
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
Cool, thnx schweb :D

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