Synchronize Omniweb Bookmarks & Favorites

Mar 2, 2007
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St Helens, OR, USA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook CoreDuo 2Ghz 768M RAM
Just flexing my Applescript muscles here....

Foxmarks allows Firefox users to synchronize their bookmarks to and from a remote location (because the bookmarks are stored on Foxmarks’ own servers, if they go belly up, you’d better have a backup plan for the backup).
Safari has an Applescript equivalent called SafariDepot. The nice thing about it is that YOU determine where to store them without having to depend on a 3rd party’s server.
Omniweb may have something equally useful, but I don’t know. I didn’t bother checking.
Instead, I wrote my own set of Applescripts to do the uploading and downloading.

Copy the following code in to Script Editor and save it as a script in ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Omniweb.

set ftpuser to “username” --replace username with your own ftp username
set ftpPwd to “password” --replace password with your own ftp password
set ftpLocation to “” --change to your ftp server and don’t forget the ending slash!!

do shell script “curl -u ” & ftpuser & “:” & ftpPwd & ” -T ~/Library/Application\\ Support/OmniWeb\\ 5/Bookmarks.html ” & ftpLocation
do shell script “curl -u ” & ftpuser & “:” & ftpPwd & ” -T ~/Library/Application\\ Support/OmniWeb\\ 5/Favorites.html ” & ftpLocation
display dialog “Bookmarks & Favorites uploaded” buttons {”OK”} default button 1 giving up after 3 --comment this whole line if you don’t need confirmation
Copy the following code in to Script Editor and save it as a script in ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Omniweb.
In order to see the new/synchronized bookmarks/favorites, Omniweb will need to be restarted.
I wrote the script to do this automatically, with a prompt to stop or continue.

set ftpuser to “username” [I]--replace username with your own ftp username[/I]
set ftpPwd to “password” [I]--replace password with your own ftp password[/I]
set ftpLocation to “” --don’t forget the ending slash!!
display dialog “Omniweb must quit before downloading Bookmakrs & Favorites” buttons {”Stop! Do it later!”, “Okay, do it now.”} default button 2
if button returned of the result = “Stop! Do it later!” then
tell application “OmniWeb” to quit
delay 3
do shell script “curl -u ” & ftpuser & “:” & ftpPwd & ” ” & ftpLocation & “/Favorites.html -o ~/Library/Application\\ Support/OmniWeb\\ 5/Favorites.html”

do shell script “curl -u ” & ftpuser & “:” & ftpPwd & ” ” & ftpLocation & “/Bookmarks.html -o ~/Library/Application\\ Support/OmniWeb\\ 5/Bookmarks.html”
tell application “OmniWeb” to activate
end if

Use it, modify it, enjoy it, whatever.

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