spilled coffee...useless keyboard



I hope someone can please help me to diagnose what has gone wrong with my ibook.
My 10 month old son managed to spill a whole cup of coffee over the top of my ibook. It was closed and off at the time. It was my wife's coffee so it was thick an syrupy. But a whole cup cascaded over the top. Now it will only turn on if it is plugged into A/C power. It boots up fine but not one key on the keyboard works. The touch pad works fine and so does the click bar. When it boots the battery icon has an X across it. It will not power on with just the battery. This is my first Mac and I am still a novice. Any help, advise or suggestions from an experienced or learned Mac user would be greatly appreciated. I was unable to find a star driver small enough to remove the cover and clean anything, so the mess has just dried up. A little liquid got into the battery compartment. Some liquid made it up and around into the sides of the keyboard, and some liquid has seeped underneath.
What can I do?
Thanks. -thornido
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Hamilton College
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20" iMac C2D 2.16ghz, 13" MacBook 2.0ghz, 60gb iPod vid, 1gb nano
thornido said:
I hope someone can please help me to diagnose what has gone wrong with my ibook.
My 10 month old son managed to spill a whole cup of coffee over the top of my ibook. It was closed and off at the time. It was my wife's coffee so it was thick an syrupy. But a whole cup cascaded over the top. Now it will only turn on if it is plugged into A/C power. It boots up fine but not one key on the keyboard works. The touch pad works fine and so does the click bar. When it boots the battery icon has an X across it. It will not power on with just the battery. This is my first Mac and I am still a novice. Any help, advise or suggestions from an experienced or learned Mac user would be greatly appreciated. I was unable to find a star driver small enough to remove the cover and clean anything, so the mess has just dried up. A little liquid got into the battery compartment. Some liquid made it up and around into the sides of the keyboard, and some liquid has seeped underneath.
What can I do?
Thanks. -thornido

The battery icon with the x means that its running strictly off of AC power with no battery which means you have a dead battery.....as for the keyboard you might need to get replaced by apple. i too am a novie so cant help too much but the battery definitely seems to be dead to me
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
Yeah... You probly need a new battery for starters.. and your coffee probly currupted a few wires :(.. but the keyboard will probly need to be replaced as well..

I don't recommend taking anything apart as you may void the warrenty or something and then apple wouldn't help you. So first try and get it fixed by a pro.. though it may be tempting to take off covers and such you could just make it worse :(


bummer, thanks for the info though. I will proceed to find a Mac pro in this little okie town.

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