Well I've been using PC's since I was about 8 or 9. My first computer was an IBM PS/2 8 mHz with 640k of RAM. I'm now 20 and I have 8 PC's laying around the house - the last five of which I built. I program in C++ as a hobby and am very skilled with PCs in general.
However, lately I have become frustrated with the Windows world. Microsoft, despite all of its money and power, has not released a quality operating system. When was the last time Internet Explorer was significantly updated, for example? When was the last time Windows improved significantly at all?!
While working at CompUSA as a hardware salesperson, I became more and more envious of the Macintosh computers. Eventually I broke down and purchased a G5 tower.
WOW is all I can say!!!! I absolutely love it! THIS is what Windows SHOULD BE! A fully powerful command line with a stunning GUI. Reliability. Speed. It's just a friggin pleasure to use. I can't even explain how happy I have been. Everything is so beautifully detailed. Even the keyboard is perfect. About the only thing I don't like is the mouse, and I replaced that with a nice Logitech model.
Suddenly I'm enjoying computing again....
However, lately I have become frustrated with the Windows world. Microsoft, despite all of its money and power, has not released a quality operating system. When was the last time Internet Explorer was significantly updated, for example? When was the last time Windows improved significantly at all?!
While working at CompUSA as a hardware salesperson, I became more and more envious of the Macintosh computers. Eventually I broke down and purchased a G5 tower.
WOW is all I can say!!!! I absolutely love it! THIS is what Windows SHOULD BE! A fully powerful command line with a stunning GUI. Reliability. Speed. It's just a friggin pleasure to use. I can't even explain how happy I have been. Everything is so beautifully detailed. Even the keyboard is perfect. About the only thing I don't like is the mouse, and I replaced that with a nice Logitech model.
Suddenly I'm enjoying computing again....