Revolutionary Apple Mouse



Hey! I've just got this genious idea for a new Apple Mouse, but I won't reveal any details yet. I've already done some sketches, and all I can say is that it is, of course, based on the new wireless mouse, but it should definitely make our work a lot easier (*hint hint*), besides of discouraging us Mac users of buying third party mice... ;)
So... why am I telling you this? Man, I'd love to have one of those, and I think all of you would too... Which means, I want Apple to hear from it, no matter what it takes, hoping that they actually develop it...
But as recent switcher (just bought a 17'' 1,25 Ghz iMac in December), and being new to this great community of Mac users, I don't have the least idea of how to show my "work" to Apple and the public in general...
Should I post my drawings somewhere? Should I send them to Apple? I'd love to have feedback from other people about this precious little idea, but honestly, I'm a bit lost here, don't know what to do. :D Any suggestions?
Feb 25, 2003
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Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
it would have to be a cool mouse, because ive already got one that works for me
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2
Well if you think it's really really good, then your first step is to talk to a lawyer.. if you just want to see it done and the idea is good and you don't care about getting compensation, then submit it to kensington or another mouse maker if it has more than one mouse button.. if it has just one then send the idea to Apple.



Murlyn said:
if you just want to see it done and the idea is good and you don't care about getting compensation
That happens to be the case... ;)

Murlyn said:
submit it to kensington or another mouse maker if it has more than one mouse button..
Don't worry, it happens to have, tecnically speaking, only ONE button. And besides, it wouln't look as cool without an apple logo on it! :D
Oh, just one thing, maybe it's FAQ-like... Why is Apple still sticking to 1-button mice, even though OS X has a lot of right-button features? (Yes, I've tested my old PC's Logitech mouse and it worked just fine...) I understand it might be because of the "ease-of-use", but come on, everyone can easily learn how to use a 2-button mouse... :p

Murlyn said:
if it has just one then send the idea to Apple.
Ok, so how can I do so??

By the way, I still would love to have your feedback... Would it be safe to post my drawings before sending them to Apple? If not, please, tell me how can I show them my stuff, so I can share it with you all.
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2
If you don't care about compensation then Im not sure why you are trying to be safe about it...?

On Apple's website there should be an R&D contact link or something like that R&D = Research and Development


Murlyn said:
If you don't care about compensation then Im not sure why you are trying to be safe about it...?

Simple... I don't need any compensation... I just don't want someone else getting it for me, other than Apple Computer, and of course, the Rest of Us... Get it? :D
Thank you very much for the R&D tip though... I hope it'll be useful!! It's very late now here in Portugal (3:43 AM) and I need to get some sleep, so perhaps I'll post something more on this subject tomorrow... Stay tuned... ;)!
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2
Speaking of a mouse, there is a 5 dot rating out of 5 dots possible on a new mouse in MacAddict.

Im seriously thinking about getting it!

You can view it here:

It should be on the frontpage.. it's called "The Mouse" and I do believe it just might be "The Mouse" for me.


OK... Can't seem to find it guys... There doesn't seem to be any appropriate address for contacting Apple on these issues... I'll try finding an appropriate contact... Can you help me in that "quest", too?
Meanwhile, I've found this:

Interesting... Suits me just fine. This is an Unsolicited Idea, and I'm giving it away. Just great. I just can't find "peripherals" or something like that (I think "mice" would be a little too specific, as there are actually only two different models) in their product line, in the right hand menu at

Curiously, I can't find iMac either... strange... Too bad I can't post attachments in that submission form... Or can I?
If you can help me with this, it would be mostly appreciated... Thanks...
(I'm sure you'll gonna find the goddam mouse great, even though it's not THAT innovative...)


Murlyn said:
Speaking of a mouse, there is a 5 dot rating out of 5 dots possible on a new mouse in MacAddict.

Im seriously thinking about getting it!

You can view it here:

It should be on the frontpage.. it's called "The Mouse" and I do believe it just might be "The Mouse" for me.

Well, IT'S VEEEERY COOL!! If my idea doesn't get to be done, I'll go for it! But I don't quit. By Apple's standards, mine is cooler :D

(Another hint... my idea of a mouse relies in some very specific technologies used by Apple in other fields. Try figuring it out!) ;)


Finally, here they are!!

As I can't submit images to the submission form, I'll post this thread's URL so they can see them. Seems that I found a solution for my problem ;)
And now, for something completely different...
Here they are... My sketches!
As probably my handwriting is difficult to understand, I will write those features down here too.
"New Pro Mouse, featuring:
Touchpads for scrolling/control-clicking
- Should behave as a 3G iPod's Touchwheel; No moving parts!
- Suitable for both left-handed/right-handed users and professional users (vertical and horizontal scrolling ideal for graphic viewing/editing)
"- Fingertip can rest on the mouse surface without activating the scroll function.
- A slight movement of the fingertip to the left/right is all it takes to reach the touchpad.
- Aditionally, clicking while touching the touchpad will result in "control-clicking" (this option should be disabled by default so the user isn't confused).
- The two redundant touchpads could be switched on one at a time (for left/right-handed users) or both at the same time. Also, "control-click" function should always be disabled in the secondary touchpad if both are being used.
Clicking is processed as usual.
More possible features:
- Backlit Apple logo with white LED
- Memory card reader, ideal for downloading photos and backing up data/transferring data between Macs and PCs."

And those other two images are photos of my Apple mouse, in which I've highlighted the area where the Touchpad is supposed to be with a felt-tip pen (I wouldn't want to ruin my mouse's good looking clear plastic shell :D)




Feb 25, 2003
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Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
cool as it is... I know i would be clicking at random times, or not able to click fast enough...

games would hate this mouse... this also reminds me of the mouse that my gf has, its wireless and has a touch pad for scrolling in the middle.


I think you're right in some things...

not so right in other things, and ignoring some other stuff...

Graphite said:
games would hate this mouse...

Don't get me wrong, I'd never use this mouse for playing Quake, as I wouldn't use my Apple mouse for it if I had an alternative (my old PC isn't mine anymore since I bought my iMac, it's my family's PC now, so I'm not supposed to be using its peripherals).

Graphite said:
this also reminds me of the mouse that my gf has, its wireless and has a touch pad for scrolling in the middle.

I'm also very sorry to find that my idea isn't that original, but it wasn't original from the beginning as it was based on the iPod... But sometimes, innovation, sadly, doesn't mean necessarily originality (the memory card reader idea isn't original either, as I'm sure that I've already seen a Sony mouse with a Memory Stick reader). In this case, it's all about intelligence. Putting it all together, and giving it a smooth look and feel, in that well known "Apple-way".

Graphite said:
cool as it is... I know i would be clicking at random times, or not able to click fast enough...

By placing the Touchpads slightly out of reach, and one at each side instead of a single centered one, I'd expect to reduce accidental triggering of the scrolling function (I've actually "tested it" with the felt-tip marks, moving my finger from lef to right, holding the mouse in every possible fashion, etc, and I still think that wouldn't be a big problem). And even though control-clicking through the Touchpad would be slower than right-clicking it would still be faster than using the keyboard.

I love that "The Mouse" thing, and it would definitely be the only "good" replacement for my Apple mouse, but when I think about it, I actually like single-button mice. They ARE easier to use, even though they make the OS harder to use (I AM a switcher, yes... and believe me, Windows has become even more irritating to use since I've started instinctively control-clicking under it too :D). It's an unfortunate paradox! I'm just dreaming of getting the best out of the single-button concept... So, this would be a perfect solution for Apple, which could stick with single-button mice and a perfect solution for normal users (and Pro users perhaps) and specially design lovers like me (I've bought an iMac... that explains a lot!). I know that my concept of mouse isn't perfect, but the Apple mouse isn't perfect either. Overall, I still think mine is cooler than "The Mouse" (don't forget that the absence of moving parts can also be a Pro and not a Con, remember the iPod), and way better than Apple mouse.

Why not let people decide which one is the best?
I suggest that we start a poll: My mouse vs. "The Mouse". Yes, I'd like to hear from you guys, even though I know that I am in disadvantage, as I've made my sketches this Sunday at 4 AM and therefore they look like sh*t, but heck, I've done the best I could do under those circumstances... :D
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
Tropical Island, Jealous?
Your Mac's Specs
MacPro 3.0Ghz 16GB RAM, 4x256 Vid, 30''cinema display
oh dont get me wrong though :) I like the inovation :D didn't mean to cut so close on bashing your mouse
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2
It's actually quite a cool idea.. it would be hard for me to choose which one I woudl like better. I do really like having multi button mice :) It would be a hard choice.



Graphite said:
oh dont get me wrong though :) I like the inovation :D didn't mean to cut so close on bashing your mouse

Ohh, no problem!
I just took the opportunity to emphasize some details of that mouse...

So, what do you think of the poll thing? I'm really curious to know wether people would go for my mouse or not... Oh, and the poll could be different. It could be "Would you get on of these" instead of "Which would you get: "The Mouse" or "..." (gotta give it a name... hmmm). Anyway, we'll decide it later on... I'm counting on your suggestions!

By the way, If I want to start a poll, how can I do so? I'm not a regular forum-user in any forum, so I don't know this kind of stuff... *embarassed*

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