Problems writing on NAS on Airport Extreme (Yosemite)

Jan 2, 2015
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We attached our NAS (WD MyBook for Mac) via USB to our airport extreme. I am using a Macbook Air (4GB) on Yosemite with an external Superdrive to import CDs into the Library on the NAS. It started out quite well and the first 3 CDs went without a problem. However, on the second song of the 4th CD I got an error -50. I tried to reboot but no change. If I point to Library to a local FS everything works just fine.

I can see the directory on Finder and can CD to it in a shell. However, if I want to create a file using touch (e.g. touch xx) I get an invalid argument response. If I want to create a directory using the finder I get the same "An unexpected error occurred (error code -50).", which seems to be passed up to iTunes from Yosemite. All directories are 777 and should be writable by everyone.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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