Power Mac G5 television ad banned in UK

Jun 11, 2003
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Mount Vernon, WA
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Source: MacMinute.com

Power Mac G5 television ad banned in UK
November 10, 2003 - 11:20 EST Apple's television commercial for the Power Mac G5 has been banned in the UK by advertising watchdogs for claiming it is "the world's fastest, most powerful personal computer." The Independent Television Commission (ITC) called the ad "misleading" and banned it from being broadcast after eight viewers contacted them to complain that the claim was based on the results of limited testing. In its advertising complaints report, the ITC ruled: "There was insufficient evidence to support the claim 'world's fastest, most powerful personal computer.' Furthermore, it shared one viewer's doubt that the claim could be substantiated at all because, as evidence for and against the claim had shown, computers were constantly being updated and had many different applications and benchmarks." It concluded that "the advertising was misleading and should not be re-shown in its current form."

My Comments: Wow.. quite interesting.. I would like to hear Apple's response to this..

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