This has happened a few times. I was recording a video on my Macbook while I was watching the timer tick by - it got to 32 seconds. When I pressed the button to stop recording, the video was only 3 seconds long. It has happened with 4, 6, and 7 seconds also so it is not always the same - not sure if it corresponds with the length of the video, though. I was also sure to move the mouse pointer away from the record button so it wouldn't click accidentally.
Anyone have any idea what's going on? It doesn't seem like Photobooth would set a video capacity but even if it had, my Photobooth library is almost completely devoid of anything other than photos. Thank you in advance for your time :]
Anyone have any idea what's going on? It doesn't seem like Photobooth would set a video capacity but even if it had, my Photobooth library is almost completely devoid of anything other than photos. Thank you in advance for your time :]