PC gamer lookin to switch



I recently went to CompUSA and saw the latest iMac, and I about wet myself!

Sure they look great, but what really impressed me was how much I enjoyed USING OSX!

Anyway, I've been reading into OSX, and while I find out that OSX can use windows networks fine, I was wondering if anyone who has had first hand experience could tell me how easy or not it is.

ALSO(and my primary concern), if I use Microsoft's Virtual PC software, will I be able to play ALL my PC Games? And if so, will it bog down my imac if I'm trying to run say, UT2003 through virtual PC?

I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to have to give up and/or replace my pc software. So please tell me if it is the right time to switch or not.
Dec 15, 2003
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I love student discount (sig)
Virtual PC is not really for games :(

You can see what i mean if you get it for the PC and even try a game through it

There is UT2003 mac version also :D



I can assure you that after you have your mac for a few weeks you'll never want to see windows again and rebuilding you game software collection will be a lesser chore than using windows. I hope you get the new iMac they are indeed very cool and brilliantly designed. I say switch my friend and rid yourself of all of Microsofts burdons.


CMBlechar said:
I can assure you that after you have your mac for a few weeks you'll never want to see windows again and rebuilding you game software collection will be a lesser chore than using windows. I hope you get the new iMac they are indeed very cool and brilliantly designed. I say switch my friend and rid yourself of all of Microsofts burdons.

you're talking about me replacing hundreds of dollars worth of software just like that?! Surely, there's some way for me to use existing pc software on a mac....right?


alright, I can see what you mean.

Try this...Keep your PC and all its old games and then start your new games on your mac. and by the time you have a resonable collection for your mac your PC will have enough dust on it that you wont miss the old ones. :)
Theres nothing wrong with having more than one computer.

Jul 22, 2003
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Hamilton College
Your Mac's Specs
20" iMac C2D 2.16ghz, 13" MacBook 2.0ghz, 60gb iPod vid, 1gb nano
VirtualPC does not support 3D Graphics as of now so the majority of games you will not be able to play on it.

I have never met somebody who has switched to macs for gaming and theres a reason for that......These are not amazing gaming machines. Mac's are most widely used for photo/video/audio editing as well as software design and web design.

You will have to look on all of your programs to see if they are hybrids and can be installed on both PC and Mac ie. Diablo II, StarCraft.


trpnmonkey41 said:
I have never met somebody who has switched to macs for gaming and theres a reason for that......These are not amazing gaming machines. Mac's are most widely used for photo/video/audio editing as well as software design and web design.

This is becoming less and less true as time goes on. The only major recent game that has no Mac version (as least as far as I know/care) is Final Fantasy XI... Many, many popular games, like Warcraft III and Halo, are available for Mac. And don't think that Macs don't have the power to run them either - despite the relatively low-power video card in my Powerbook (Radeon 9000) it still runs all the games I've played on it very smoothly.

The only reason I can see for Macs being used for graphics and web design (video editing, I can't say) seems to be that everyone tells everyone that they are widely used for graphics and web design. Don't get me wrong, they're great for graphics and web design, but the majority of the graphics type software supports both OS's.

Basically, you get what you pay for. If you want a cheap machine that can run all your games and you don't mind wasting time with virii, security patches, and general OS headaches, then by all means buy (or build) a windows machine. But if you have a couple hundred extra bucks, and you want an OS and a computer that work better, get a Mac.

Still reading?


I recently went to Apple's online store and designed my own Power Mac w/ a Radeon 9800 + duel 1.8G5 and it amounted to about $3500! Now I'm thinking to my self...if I wanted to spend that kind of money, I may as well buy Alienware PC! I mean they may have XP, but they look just as cool as a Power Mac! I guess as a gamer, I'm just finding it hard to justify switching.


mac_n00b85 said:
I guess as a gamer, I'm just finding it hard to justify switching.

Then you'll appreciate this: http://www.redvsblue.com/appleswitch.shtml

I love my Mac, but I also adore this little diddy. Oh and I don't know how big into network games you are, but some (probably most) don't communicate with PCs. So me sitting at my Mac cannot connect and play Age of Empires with my brother on his PC four hours away. That's not a Mac problem, that's a software *coughMicrosoftcough* problem though.


Powermac G5's are pretty expensive, especially if you get one of those new-fangled Cinema Displays. Powermac G4's are cheaper.

*Points at system specs* My Mac runs all the games that I need.

Oh, and make sure you get at least 512 RAM.

PM me for more information.
Apr 25, 2003
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The home of the free and the land that did for Bra
Your Mac's Specs
24"iMac, 15"MB-Pro, MacBook, G4 iMac, PM G5 2x2Ghz, G4 iBook & Some PCs
I have two high spec PCs (2Ghz 512M + Nvidia 4MX) and an iMac all networked together, in addition we have a PS2 (with tons of games) and several PS-Ones, my darling children fight like cats and dogs to play games on the iMac - go figure!


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