No files in Finder Favorites Pictures Folder

Jan 26, 2015
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Florida, USA
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 5,1, Hi Sierra, Quad Core Xeon 2.8 Ghz, 2 x 2TB + 1 x 4TB HDDs, 8GB ECC RAM, ATI Radeon 5770
I recently copied several thousand pictures and picture folders from an external networked source to the pictures folder my Mac Pro drive 1. However when I open Finder and click on Pictures or my user name in Sidebar Favorites there are no picture files listed.

If I open the drive using the icon on the desktop, or open the drive from the icon under Sidebar Devices then open the Picture folder on the drive all the copied pictures and folders are there.

Why am I not seeing the files and folders when I open the Pictures folder under Finder Sidebar Favorites? I don’t imagine it is a different folder, maybe a permissions issue. I have checked the folder where the pictures are located and set the permission to shared, but that made no difference.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Peter B. :Confused:
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Oct 12, 2013
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Hello mb300e Could be the system has not updated yet. sometimes when you transfer straight off a hidden file is created or plist for indexing for the computer osx to refer to. You said a lot was transferred and did you hear the cogs working overtime after.
Jan 26, 2015
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Florida, USA
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 5,1, Hi Sierra, Quad Core Xeon 2.8 Ghz, 2 x 2TB + 1 x 4TB HDDs, 8GB ECC RAM, ATI Radeon 5770
Hello mb300e Could be the system has not updated yet. sometimes when you transfer straight off a hidden file is created or plist for indexing for the computer osx to refer to. You said a lot was transferred and did you hear the cogs working overtime after.

Hello Leadfoot,

The transfer was done about 2 days ago. It was mostly JPGs. There were 1,836 Folders and 67,638 files a told. The Mac Pro has been running constantly for the last week or so, except for e few deliberate restarts.

Jan 26, 2015
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Florida, USA
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 5,1, Hi Sierra, Quad Core Xeon 2.8 Ghz, 2 x 2TB + 1 x 4TB HDDs, 8GB ECC RAM, ATI Radeon 5770
What's the full pathname to that folder? Maybe where you are looking for them is not where you actually put them.

Here is screen shot of the shared networked folders seen from the VAIOVGN laptop. The source of the copied jpeg files. There is a lot of folders listed under “YOSEMITES-PRO” that do not make sense showing up as they do.

1) The 2 Mac HDs are shown near the bottom as “y1 2tb” and “y2 2tb”.
2) “TEMP’s Public Folder”. TEMP is a temporary admin account I created the other day for a temporary reason. It is to be deleted soon.
3) “yosmitemacpro” is listed twice. I do not know what they represent except it is my user name without spaces.
4) “Yosemite Mac Pro’s Public Folder”. My user name is Yosemite Mac Pro and was created by the previous Mac owner. I should have changed it the when I first lit off the Mac but did not. I plan on changing soon to something much more useful. It is awkward and confusing.
5) The rest of the folders are picture sub folders that are in the “Pictures” folder on Y1 2TB. There are a lot more in the “picture” folder than is shown in the network window. If I expand the “Pictures” folder, it shows all of them. I don’t know what ”Pictures-1” is but if expanded, it shows the full set of picture folders again.

On the Mac, using Finder, when I click on “Pictures” in the favorites section, all the folders are listed. The Path is: Y1 2TB\Users\yosemitemacpro\Pictures.

If I click on “Y2 2TB” which is the first hard drive, I also see all the picture folders listed. The path is: Y1 2TB\Pictures.

To check whether they are a duplicate, I delete one file from the first pictures folder. The Checked both picture folders again. It was in one, but not the other.

I suspect that the underlying cause was the fact that when I set up the network connection the first time, I clicked on the first drive “Y1 2TB”, then on “Pictures”. What I should have done was to scroll down to “Users” and clicked on my awful user name “yosemitemacpro”.

I hope you could follow along and not get too confused. I could not get screenshots to upload.

Any comments would be most welcome, good or bad, call me stupid if you like.

Peter B.

PS. Is it usual for the “system” to remove spaces from user names?


As you said, the screenshot wasn't attached, but I'll try working from your text.

First, the easy ones, in the PS, yes usernames at login get spaces compressed out.

Second, renaming an account is very tricky. Unless you have already install a bunch of apps and stuff, you may be better of creating a new one and moving your personal files to that new account, then deleting the accounts you no longer want.

There is a lot of folders listed under “YOSEMITES-PRO” that do not make sense showing up as they do.
If by this you mean a lot of files that start with "." then those are hidden files in OS X but they become visible to Windows. If that's not what you are seeing, then we'll need that screenshot.

3) “yosmitemacpro” is listed twice. I do not know what they represent except it is my user name without spaces.
Don't know why twice, but that's the network name of your computer.
On the Mac, using Finder, when I click on “Pictures” in the favorites section, all the folders are listed. The Path is: Y1 2TB\Users\yosemitemacpro\Pictures.

If I click on “Y2 2TB” which is the first hard drive, I also see all the picture folders listed. The path is: Y1 2TB\Pictures.
Those are two different folders. One is in YOUR account, the other is in the root of the drive Y1 2TB. So you have duplicated the folders in two locations.
I suspect that the underlying cause was the fact that when I set up the network connection the first time, I clicked on the first drive “Y1 2TB”, then on “Pictures”. What I should have done was to scroll down to “Users” and clicked on my awful user name “yosemitemacpro”.

So, what do you want to do? Are there any pictures in the folders? The sequence for moving/copying files in OS X seems to be that it creates the directory structure first, then move the files into that structure. So if the transfer was interrupted before the files transferred, you could have the structure but no files in it. But this statement
To check whether they are a duplicate, I delete one file from the first pictures folder. The Checked both picture folders again. It was in one, but not the other.
seems to imply that files DID transfer.

So, as I said, what's the problem and what do you want to achieve?
Jan 26, 2015
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Florida, USA
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 5,1, Hi Sierra, Quad Core Xeon 2.8 Ghz, 2 x 2TB + 1 x 4TB HDDs, 8GB ECC RAM, ATI Radeon 5770
Hi Jake, I haven't figured out how to do multiple quotes so bear with me. I have attached the two images that were missing from my post.

The files listed under "YOSEMITES-PRO" do not start with ".", I am not going to worry about these for now.

Both picture folder locations do contain a copy of all the sub-folders and pictures except for the one file I deleted for test purposes to show that they were in fact duplicates. The set Y1 2TB\Pictures will get deleted.

I should have dug deeper in the Network Set Up window to find the "Users" then selected my user name.

What do I want to achieve you ask? First of all I wanted to see how I had screwed up, and secondly I needed to find a solution and I found that just before I wrote my previous post above. You confirmed my findings and I thank you very much for that.

I will create a new post about renaming my account. I did some reading about it on the Apple support site, but it raised a bunch of questions. The Mac came with some pre-installed apps including Office 2011 and so on. If I remember correctly, when I created a temporary admin account to help with MIgration Assistant, I could not access any of the installed apps like Office 2011...but don't quote me on that. I will log out then log in to the temp account as soon as I post this reply.

I will hold off for now on creating a new account with admin rights and moving files over from one account to the new one.

Thanks again,

Peter B.


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Multiple quotes are easy to do. In the Quick Reply window and the Go Advanced window, there is a symbol that looks like a cartoon balloon. That's the quote box. If you put the cursor where you want a quote, you'll get the HTML for "start quote" and "end quote," to wit
where the two curly brackets I have had to insert are actually the same as the square brackets on the other ends. Now copy what you want to quote and paste it between the start and end tags, right between the "]" and the "[" and it will be quoted. I use CMD-C to copy, CMD-V to paste but any copy/paste will work. You can also just quote the entire post, then insert the "[/QUOTE] symbol where you want a break and "
to start again. The "/" is the "stop" signal for the command QUOTE, if that helps.

The Mac came with some pre-installed apps including Office 2011
If you bought the apps from the original user with the Mac, then you should have gotten the install disks and can just reinstall under your account, as long as the original user un-registered it with Microsoft. If you didn't get the disks, then you don't actually OWN the software. The disks are the "owner" as far as MS is concerned.


I should have dug deeper in the Network Set Up window to find the "Users" then selected my user name.

What do I want to achieve you ask? First of all I wanted to see how I had screwed up, and secondly I needed to find a solution and I found that just before I wrote my previous post above. You confirmed my findings and I thank you very much for that.
You answered your question before you asked it.
Jan 26, 2015
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 5,1, Hi Sierra, Quad Core Xeon 2.8 Ghz, 2 x 2TB + 1 x 4TB HDDs, 8GB ECC RAM, ATI Radeon 5770
BTW, You answered your question before you asked it.

I would like to give you some kudos but the website won't let me. It says I have to spread the love around first or words to that effect.

So I'll say thanks again here.

Peter B.
Jan 26, 2015
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 5,1, Hi Sierra, Quad Core Xeon 2.8 Ghz, 2 x 2TB + 1 x 4TB HDDs, 8GB ECC RAM, ATI Radeon 5770
You are welcome. Glad to be of some assistance. Come back often!

Thanks Jake, as MS rubbish is firmly embedded into my grey matter, my venture into Macs is an interesting journey to say the least. Sometimes I cannot see the obvious.

The last time I used a Mac was almost 30 years ago. At lot of bits have gone under the bridge since then.

Best regards,

Feb 7, 2015
Reaction score
I will create a new post about renaming my account. I did some reading about it on the Apple support site, but it raised a bunch of questions. The Mac came with some pre-installed apps including Office 2011 and so on. If I remember correctly, when I created a temporary admin account to help with MIgration Assistant, I could not access any of the installed apps like Office 2011...but don't quote me on that. I will log out then log in to the temp account as soon as I post this reply.????

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