Newbie questions



Alright, a couple easy questions I'm sure...

1.) I've installed a few apps that don't appear in the Applications folder after I've installed them. Do they go to another place by default?

2.) I've installed Photoshop/Illustrator/Quark, etc. The photoshop application folder looks neat, with a little Photoshop picture, but the others do not look any different. Any reason why?

3.) When I run (or try to) OnyX, it never works. It continually says "The application OnyX has unexpecantly quit." Any reason why it can't run properly?

4.) I have a network set up with my roomates. Where do I go to set this up so we can share files?

5.) I have the transparent dock program installed, and it works, but when I try to open it to change some options, it just says "There is no application specified to run the program ClearDock.ape." What program do I associate with this to get it running properly?

6.) I've moved the icons on my desktop a few times, and each time I reboot, they are back to the default location. Any way to keep them moved?

I'm sure I'll think of more. Thanks in advance.
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Groves, Texas
pedrothekevin said:
Alright, a couple easy questions I'm sure...

1.) I've installed a few apps that don't appear in the Applications folder after I've installed them. Do they go to another place by default?

Depends, how were they installed? Drag & drop, installer?

[2.) I've installed Photoshop/Illustrator/Quark, etc. The photoshop application folder looks neat, with a little Photoshop picture, but the others do not look any different. Any reason why?

Not all apps use custom icons on folders. You can use any icon you want on one. Get info on it, click on the preview icon and paste a new one.

3.) When I run (or try to) OnyX, it never works. It continually says "The application OnyX has unexpecantly quit." Any reason why it can't run properly?

Could be anything...trash the prefs, re-install, repair permissions,etc...

4.) I have a network set up with my roomates. Where do I go to set this up so we can share files?


5.) I have the transparent dock program installed, and it works, but when I try to open it to change some options, it just says "There is no application specified to run the program ClearDock.ape." What program do I associate with this to get it running properly?

Do you have APE Manager installed? Change ClearDock's settings in System Preferences.

6.) I've moved the icons on my desktop a few times, and each time I reboot, they are back to the default location. Any way to keep them moved?

Check your Finder view settings. Uncheck "Keep Arranged..."

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