That is a nice looking Mustang. I don't usually like Mustangs, but that hood looks pretty slick.
I wish they would drop the price of the duals some more. They dropped the price of the low-end which was 867 Mhz and bumped it to 1 Ghz, but I want something that is faster than that. My iMac is great as far speediness. The only time I get the beach ball is when an app totally bombs my system. By the way, I've had to reboot 3 times this past week ( with the power button ) due to an ap I was running with the Apple X11 implementation. I want something that is a little faster. I guess $2000 isn't bad for a 1.25 Ghz, but these machines should all come standard with 128 meg video cards. These are Apples show pieces, and they are still way over priced and under maximized as far as hardware.
Not to be anti-mac, but for $1500 I could build one screeming machine based on x86 and run a kick as linux workstation. This isn't an excuse I know, because most of the Apple feel is the OS, but I think they should start competing with the other side. People are biased towards the Mhz myth, and Apple has no excuse to not be able to produce something equally as fast as a P4. I know Apple doesn't actually make the chips, but they make the deals with the people that do make the chips.
Just my rant. I am STILL by all means a switcher, and I very rarely use my Win2K machine now, I just think Apple needs to step up to the plate with stuff that people can actually afford, and use. I like the 17" PowerBooks, but in reality who really needs one of those?