Welcome to the Forums, and to the Mac world!
You found the right forum for your post, actually. Switchers are folks coming to Apple from the Windows world where you can ask questions about anything, including "how do I navigate this website?"
So, here's some simple navigation suggestions:
1. The website is divided into larger subject areas: Community Information, General, Digital Lifestyle, IOS Devices (iPhones, iPads, iPods), Mac OS X software, Apple hardware and developers. Within each of those larger categories are smaller divisions, called Forums, and inside the forums are Threads, which generally follow one topic (although we do wander about a bit). So, for example, in the General Discussion area, there is a Forum for Switchers that is where we are right now) and you have opened a new thread introducing yourself. Easy, see?
I wil say that "Search" is your friend. Before you just jump in a post something, spend a few minutes at the Forum or higher level searching for what it is you want to know. Most times there is already a discussion on that topic somewhere. It's rare that a totally NEW subject arises, unless there has been a major upgrade released, in which case lots of new topics appear.
And please read the link in my signature before you post. Having that information posted saves a lot of question asking just to get to the kernel of the problem.
Again, Welcome!
EDIT: Oh, by the way, it's a good idea to read the "sticky" threats at the top of each forum, too. Those are the topics we've seen often enough to warrant setting them at the top and making them stay there.