I'm trying to figure out how best to configure my network with a Time Capsule, Airport Express 802.11n, and iPhone 3GS. Currently I use my Time Capsule as the primary router. The radio is set to 802.11n (802.11 b/g compatible) and it is on Channel 1. The Airport Express is set up to extend my network. I have my stereo and Netflix devise attached to it. I'm running my Time Capsule in 802.11n/b/g because of my iPhone, but it just isn't all that fast. Is there a better set-up? For example, is there a way to run my Time Capsule in 802.11 n (5GHz), run my Airport Express in b/g/n, and connect my iPhone to my Airport Express? Is there a better setting for my Time Capsule radio?
I'm trying to figure out how best to configure my network with a Time Capsule, Airport Express 802.11n, and iPhone 3GS. Currently I use my Time Capsule as the primary router. The radio is set to 802.11n (802.11 b/g compatible) and it is on Channel 1. The Airport Express is set up to extend my network. I have my stereo and Netflix devise attached to it. I'm running my Time Capsule in 802.11n/b/g because of my iPhone, but it just isn't all that fast. Is there a better set-up? For example, is there a way to run my Time Capsule in 802.11 n (5GHz), run my Airport Express in b/g/n, and connect my iPhone to my Airport Express? Is there a better setting for my Time Capsule radio?