Network set up with Time Capsule, AirPort Express and iPhone

Apr 11, 2010
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I'm trying to figure out how best to configure my network with a Time Capsule, Airport Express 802.11n, and iPhone 3GS. Currently I use my Time Capsule as the primary router. The radio is set to 802.11n (802.11 b/g compatible) and it is on Channel 1. The Airport Express is set up to extend my network. I have my stereo and Netflix devise attached to it. I'm running my Time Capsule in 802.11n/b/g because of my iPhone, but it just isn't all that fast. Is there a better set-up? For example, is there a way to run my Time Capsule in 802.11 n (5GHz), run my Airport Express in b/g/n, and connect my iPhone to my Airport Express? Is there a better setting for my Time Capsule radio?
Feb 26, 2010
Reaction score
Rocky Mountain High, Colorado
Your Mac's Specs
1.8 GHz i7 MBA 11" OSX 10.8.2
Are you saying that the 3GS runs slow on your G network? If that is the case there isn't much you can do.
Try this app
Speedtest – Xtreme Labs Inc.
When I use it I see a pretty standard bandwidth for my cable modem.

You could set the Time Capsule to transmit 5Ghz ssid. Airport -> Wireless -> Wireless Network Options -> Check the 5Ghz network name and change the name. Attach your Macbook Pro to the newly named network. IE mynetwork and mynetwork5ghz is how I usually have it setup. Note that it is faster to use 5Ghz if you have a fairly open house but any interference from walls, metal, etc drops signal and bandwidth much faster than the 2.4Ghz. I had this setup for a while but since the 5Ghz dropped off so much I stopped using the 2 network names. I tried putting my Airport Expresses on the 5Ghz network to see if it would help signal, it really didn't. The AEs tended to drop off the network too. Anyway I went back to the 1 name system. If I am in good enough signal the MBP will switch to the 5GHz automatically, but if I try to force it and I don't have good signal I lost bandwidth.

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