Need help from some Mac users...



I recently made an FTP site for a graphics comapny in my area. The FTP works like normal from Windows Machines, but when one of there clients with Mac OS 9.2 tried to access it, it asked her for her userid and password like windows does, but it also asked for something called "account". I cna't figure out what to put in this field so she can login to there FTP server.

If anybody has any suggestions please let me know. Thanks!


fade_to_black said:
I recently made an FTP site for a graphics comapny in my area. The FTP works like normal from Windows Machines, but when one of there clients with Mac OS 9.2 tried to access it, it asked her for her userid and password like windows does, but it also asked for something called "account". I cna't figure out what to put in this field so she can login to there FTP server.

If anybody has any suggestions please let me know. Thanks!

Did you try leaving this feild black?


You should try an FTP Utility rather than direct FTP access from a browser.

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