well its been about 3 months since i got my MBP 2.0ghz core duo. as a laptop overall i have been very pleased. osx is great and the switch was pretty painless. recently i dealt with apple customer service to resolve some issues and they have been helpful too. after 37 cycles by battery refused to hold its charge for more than 5 mins and the health % went down to 1%. the battery also started seperating. the aluminum part to be more exact. i got the battery replaced and its good. also when i get home from school ill also have to drop by an apple store and repair another issue already approved by apple. a small buldge has developped right above the screen release button. from what i have read i am not the only one with this issue and apple agreed to repair it under warranty. however, about 5 mins ago when i picked up the laptop i noticed that the battery started to seperate again. the aluminum part started to lift of the battery itself. the battery is working perfectly and its at 100% health but the aluminum part. should i be alarmed by this? i have installed the battery update btw. As a laptop i have been very pleased with the MBP but i wish that the build quality was more solid and that dissapoints me a bit. after spending 2 grand on a quality machine i wasn't really expecting issues like that. is the aluminum being attached with glue? if so apple should have predicted something like that knowing that the MBPs run pretty hot as is. hopefully no new problems will arise.