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My Shaker 500 for sale

Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
New Jersey
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 8x3.0ghz 12gb ram 8800GT , MBP 2.16 2GB Ram 17 inch.
Mac forums Community!
(if you don't own a mustang this thread will be no use to you)

I am selling my shaker 500 from my 2007 mustang GT it will fit 2005+

My grandpa has it on his e-bay account since I don't sell that many items so I would not be able to gain a large amount of feed back.. however my grandpa does.


back story as to why I am selling it:
My dad bought a mustang GT for himself a while back, and I loved it, I always drove it. Now my dad on the other hand was very upset that I was always driving his car and that when he wanted to go some where he would have to drive mine. I started making alot of money doing my video work that most of the members around here know me for, and eventually started looking into buying a car of my own that was not an suv because I was starting to get bored of my suv. So I bought a mustang. less then a day later, I decided I was going to put a pioneer system in it, and that is what I did. I am now trying to recoup some of my cost by selling the shaker 500 system that came out of my car for other people who may want it. (it is an upgrade from the factory)
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
New Jersey
Your Mac's Specs
Mac Pro 8x3.0ghz 12gb ram 8800GT , MBP 2.16 2GB Ram 17 inch.
ok, one radio sold, other one still up for grabs.

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