Moving iWeb files to a host server

Mar 1, 2010
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iMac 27" 2.7 GHz 12GB Ram Samsung SSD 860 QVO 1TB
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum but it has to do with Web and Hosting so here is my scenario and question.
First, the background:
I created a site with iWeb and now need to Publish the site to another server from iWeb
The Server address is the IP of the hosting server.
The User name and password are valid on the hosting server.
The Protocol is FTP and works from the iWeb machine to the hosting server.
Second, the two results:
If I put anything in the Directory/Path box, when I select the Test Connection button it logs in successfully and then I get an error 'Testing failed. The directory/path couldn't be found. Verify your settings and try agin.'
If I leave the Directory/Path box empty it logs in and then says I can Publish the site.
The publishing seems to go normal but I can't find the files anywhere on the hosting server.
My question is how do I determine what exact directory/path the publishing process is trying to find?
I know the directory/path that I type into the Directory/Path box exists on the hosting server.
Any thoughts or recommendations are welcome.
Oct 1, 2007
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Your Mac's Specs
Mac Mini i5 (2014 High Sierra), iPhone X, Apple Watch, iPad Pro 12.9, AppleTV (4)
I'd suggest exporting from iWeb to a folder and using a separate ftp client (like CyberDuck) to connect and upload.

That way you can be certain you're connecting correctly and you have greater control over where the files are uploaded

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