I was on the mac forums, but had my tradition "i'm irish/german hybrid" weekly 6 pack in a night. Tonight I had a bonus round, with a bottle of wine and 3 8% belgian style beers (flying dog's raging *****, a hybrid beglian ale/IPA - it smells like a saison, but is hoppy and 8%. cool.)
Katie isnt allowed to has a baby. For a couple reasons. #1, we don't have that kind of cash. #2, 9 months of her without coffee would probably force me to commit suicide. That girl's a nightmare in the morning lol. She's what we would call a "high stress" individual. No caffeine scary. I'm a full blown addict of pretty much anything i touvh and enjoy. She, however, isn't so much an addict, as a scary crazy lady without her coffee n the morning.
Go team.
hi jamie, good to see you back and posting. been a few days.
I'm rooting for you when you get your first beer/other vice i n you that won't harm your child.