I have been alerted to major problems on my HD by Disk Doctor. Report as follows.
A major error was found in the header node of the wrapper’s Catalog B-tree.
The leaf record count is incorrect.
The problem was not fixed at user request.
I have used Disk Warrior 3 to rebuild my directory but I am still getting the same error message when I run Disk Doctor. I can still use OS9 & OSX and all applications but I am woried that one day I will lose all my data.
I have spoken to a few people about this but the only other option I have been given is to wipe my HDand re-install my OS. Having just spent the money on Disk Warrior I am a little reluctant to do this as I was hoping I would not have to spend the time sorting this out!
Any other ideas or do you think I should just bite the bullet and re-install as it may be a physical problem with the drive?
A major error was found in the header node of the wrapper’s Catalog B-tree.
The leaf record count is incorrect.
The problem was not fixed at user request.
I have used Disk Warrior 3 to rebuild my directory but I am still getting the same error message when I run Disk Doctor. I can still use OS9 & OSX and all applications but I am woried that one day I will lose all my data.
I have spoken to a few people about this but the only other option I have been given is to wipe my HDand re-install my OS. Having just spent the money on Disk Warrior I am a little reluctant to do this as I was hoping I would not have to spend the time sorting this out!
Any other ideas or do you think I should just bite the bullet and re-install as it may be a physical problem with the drive?