Well Someways we will need much more information to help you as we do not know if the operating system came on a DVD, or digital download, what model Mac etc etc.
Thank you for the quick answer and for welcoming me...
Well.. it's a MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite, V. 10.10.
it doesn't have a cd player, but I don't know what kind of system it uses...
Is there anything else you need to know about it?
Let's start with a different question if you don't mind: What's happening to your system to make you think that wiping the system and restoring is the right fix? In the end you may be right but that should be a last resort.
A MacBook Pro without an optical drive will be a Retina model. Hold down command and r keys as you boot to load the recovery partition. Select Disk Utility and erase the flash storage SSD, then select reinstall OS X and download the OS it was supplied with. If you upgraded to Yosemite from an earlier system, then once you have setup the MBP access the app store and download it. If you used iPhoto, iMovie or Garageband you will need do download these too from the app store. Are you restoring the OS as you are selling the MBP?
I download lots of music and cinema from...everywhere online, so, I suppose it can be viruses(?)
I put everything in an external disc, so It's not about space. The problem is it's extremely slow. Downloading or opening a window... And lots of pop up windows open everytime I open a windows and so on..
Let's start by getting rid of the pop up windows. Perhaps that will speed things up.
It sounds like in the course of downloading you may have picked up adware. This is not technically a virus but can be almost as annoying. Enter the following web address into your browser then download and run Adware Medic.
Glad that has helped things out a bit. I find that regardless of platform the wipe and reinstall , a.k.a "Nuke and Pave" is usually overkill. Even for Windows users there are often less drastic measures.
Glad that has helped things out a bit. I find that regardless of platform the wipe and reinstall , a.k.a "Nuke and Pave" is usually overkill. Even for Windows users there are often less drastic measures.
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