Ok, so I've been a PC user forever, ever since my mom bought our first one back in like '92 that is. At least until about 4 or 5 months ago when I bought an old G4 off of ebay to see what the whole Mac thing is about after hearing for the last few years how much better they are than PC's for multimedia and graphics work, and I think I've officially changed into a "Mac person", partly because of how much cooler OSX is, and partly because of my frustrations with Vista. Anyway, I've decided to take the plunge and buy a brand new machine, but I'm not sure which to go with. I was planning on either a Mac Pro, the standard configuration except with the Radeon video card, or the 24" iMac, with 2 GB ram, 2.33 GHZ, the NVIDIA 7600 GT card and Final Cut preinstalled. The price comes out to about the same, but I'm also getting a display and Final Cut with the iMac, so I'm not sure which is the better deal. How much faster would the standard Mac Pro be? I do lots of animation work and I use Photoshop and Flash more than anything. I guess my question is, which is better for these programs. I want a professional machine, but I also don't want to spend an arm and a leg on it either. Anyone have any suggestion?