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I still don't own a mac but i was looking at them today. I am not sure what to get powerbook or ibook. When i saw the price i did got one thing, a job application.
I still don't own a mac but i was looking at them today. I am not sure what to get powerbook or ibook. When i saw the price i did got one thing, a job application.
From what I have seen in the store either way you cant go wrong, a macs a mac.
I myself don't have one yet, but in exactly 13 days I will be the proud owner of a 15 inch Powerbook, but with more and more Ibook topics I have seen they are starting to scratch my mind. And if I got an Ibook I could possibly buy the Ipod and some more ram all in the same day... eh maybe I need to do something rethinking myself.
I was in the same position - an 867mhz 15" powerbook with 768mb ram was what I was saving for, but then I thought about it and worked out I could get a 14" iBook with 640 ram and a 15gb iPod for the same price. And that's what I did. Couldn't be happier
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