This is the second one. The first one I took back thinking it was a bad battery.
If you returned this 2nd one for a theorized "bad battery"...then that would probably make 2 computers returned unecessarily.
75% = 4:40 left
100% = 6:13
Yes...6:13 (6 hours, 13 min) is less than the 9 hours Apple claims. But then again (since the very beginning of "laptop time")...battery runtime all depends on the settings & tasks being done. Just because you only have Chrome running...doesn't mena you can't be doing something that eats up a lot of energy. Plus your settings (bluetooth on, brightness setting, etc.) can eat up more energy than you think.
Again. If you returned this computer due to the battery...I'm afraid you will have returned two computers unecessarily.
- Nick
p.s. Welcome to Mac-Forums.
p.p.s. I'm assuming that this is a 13" retina MacBook Pro. If this is a 13" non-retina MacBook Pro...then Apple's battery runtime on a single charge is 7 hours. Which is VERY close to the 6 hours, 13 min. I mentioned above.