What is a "mac apple machine only monitor"?
What I menat is an Imac,I have Imac but its old so i want to use the Imac but only its display/monitor and hook it to my new macbook, It is possible?
Not possible vía hardware (an old iMac has no "video-in" port). But you can try an application called "Screen Recycler":
- Nick
My Imac is around 2011 edition, so you mean the new Imac is possible?How?
In your 2nd post in this thread you made it sounds like your iMac was REALLY old. I don't really consider a 2011 iMac "old".
Here's an article that explains how the appropriate model iMac can be used as an external monitor:
How to use your iMac as an external monitor - CNET
- Nick