Lost Screen Resolutions?

Apr 14, 2007
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Norwich, UK
Your Mac's Specs
G4 400Mhz 512Mb RAM
Hi All,

I'm relatively new to the world of Macs and have only now signed up to this forum in effort of finding a solution to a problem I've recently come across.

In January, I got hold of a cheap Powermac G4 on eBay and everything's been working on it without a problem.

From yesterday morning, however, my Mac seems to have lost the capability to use my widescreen monitor at it's normal resolution (1440 x 900) even though it was working at this resolution for around four months!

Looking through the Display settings in OSX, I can select pretty much every resolution under the sun bar the one that I want. I've tried connecting through DVI and VGA, but still no different. I have also tried re-installing OSX but to no avail with the resolution problem. The monitor still works at the higher resolution on a Windows box.

My questions .....
Is there something I'm missing? If so ... what?

Is there a way to force the resolution? In Linux distro's, I'm familiar with editing the xorg.conf file. Does a similar thing exist in OSX?

I hope that someone can give me some info as to what's going on here. It's a great little machine and I'm getting sick of using the display at 1024 x 768.

Many thanks in advance,



Retired Staff
Dec 20, 2006
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Lake Mary, Florida
Your Mac's Specs
14" MacBook Pro M1 Pro, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD
Did you try the "Detect Displays" button in System Preferences -> Displays. My guess is that either your monitor isn't sending out DDE information or OS X doesn't think the monitor is capable of it.

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