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Looking for a Bluebery Maccase for my clamshell...

Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Oak Hill, West Virginia
Your Mac's Specs
G5 iMac, 1.8, 1 Gig, airport// G4 PowerMac w/Apple LCD, 12" G4 PowerBook, G3 Clamshell
I was wanting to get a Blueberry MacCase for my clamshell that I picked up on ebay- but none seem to be available at this time on ebay, on the MacCase site, nor on MacYummies....anyone have any idea on where to find one???? Thanks!!!!


wvmac said:
No, I ordered it from your link but got an email that it is no longer available...any other sources??

Have you tried Amazon ? :ninja:

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