Lightroom crashed my MacBook Pro

Jan 10, 2012
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I have been given Lightroom 5 as a gift and am delighted. However, after installation on my MacBook Pro and using it a couple of time, on going to iPhoto the computer completely hung up, just spinning discs, frozen. Did a hard reset, hold down the "off" key and wouldn't start up. Did a OptComd reset and did a full scan, there were several errors shown which were corrected.
Went to Applications and consigned Lightroom to the trash and all is well.

Is this a known conflict? Is there any way round it? I have installed Lightroom 5 on my main iMac 21" so hope it won't class there as I really would like to be able to use Lightroom.


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Dec 22, 2006
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Texas, where else?
Your Mac's Specs
15" MBP '06 2.33 C2D 4GB 10.7; 13" MBA '14 1.8 i7 8GB 10.11; 21" iMac '13 2.9 i5 8GB 10.11; 6S
From your description,
on going to iPhoto the computer completely hung up
I fail to see how Lightroom was the culprit - particularly considering how you noted you had already used Lightroom a couple of times without issue. Opening iPhoto and having the computer freeze in no way specificallly implicates Lightroom as the culprit.

Did a hard reset
A hard shut down? This is not a reset.
Did a OptComd reset
A NVRAM reset? (Holding Option+Command+P+R while starting the machine and waiting for the chime twice)
did a full scan
Is this a Permissions Repair or what software did you use for a full scan?

The act of moving Lightroom to the trash would not have changed nor affected anything else on your machine and just because it's running fine now, that is not an indication Lightroom was at fault.

Computers crash... Yes, Macs too. With a single crash, I learned years ago to just restart the computer and keep on going as if nothing happened. Sometimes a crash can be duplicated, sometimes not. Only if it happens a 2nd or 3rd time by duplication of the same act do I begin to ascribe a source to the issue.

Caveman, you really need to head into the UserCP - Edit your details - scroll to the bottom and put in your Mac specs so that you are not requested all that info everytime you post.
Jan 10, 2012
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Thanks for the comments.
I believe it could possibly be a conflict between iPhoto library and the Lightroom library? Since I installed Lightroom, on opening iPhoto it asked which library to use. Never done that before.
All I know is that since removing Lightroom, iPhoto works just fine???

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