Hi there has anyone ever come across this error message when trying to open keychain minder or keychain access this message appears in the console
/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access.app/Contents/MacOS/Keychain
Access undefined reference to _gGuidAppleLDAPDL expected to be defined
in Security
the keychain applications just open and then close
I have already tried to repair the permissions via the disc utility and booting up in single user mode and then fsck to rpair the permissions again
i want to avoid re-imaging the as this is a bit drastic in my opinion
thanks dutch
/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access.app/Contents/MacOS/Keychain
Access undefined reference to _gGuidAppleLDAPDL expected to be defined
in Security
the keychain applications just open and then close
I have already tried to repair the permissions via the disc utility and booting up in single user mode and then fsck to rpair the permissions again
i want to avoid re-imaging the as this is a bit drastic in my opinion
thanks dutch