just bought blueberry iBook........



I just purchased a iBook 300 mhz 256 mb ram 6 gb hd with jaguar on ebay for $300. I should be getting it in about a week. I was wondering- I definately want to update it all, but for not too much. I heard it can handle 512 mb ram, so I've found a 256 stick for 45. I want to know , are there any processor upgrades available? I wouldn't care if it was only even like a 366 mhz one, anything would do. Looking for like 466, 500 mhz in particulary, but if it was more and it wasn't too much (not more then $300) then that would be cool. Also hard drive, the guy didn't know if it was 6 or 3 ( he wasnt much of a mac guy ) if its 6 I won't upgrade that in a while, but if it's 3.2 I definately want to put in a new one. I'm looking for either a 10 or 20 gb hard drive with 7,200 rpm for it. And I know there will be definately some minor scratches on the outside and I think I'm going to get this - www.radtech.us/icecreme.html
Anyone know if it works good? Any help would be most appreciated :D

Thanks, Jonathan
Jul 21, 2003
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jonmichael23 said:
I just purchased a iBook 300 mhz 256 mb ram 6 gb hd with jaguar on ebay for $300. I should be getting it in about a week. I was wondering- I definately want to update it all, but for not too much. I heard it can handle 512 mb ram, so I've found a 256 stick for 45. I want to know , are there any processor upgrades available? I wouldn't care if it was only even like a 366 mhz one, anything would do. Looking for like 466, 500 mhz in particulary, but if it was more and it wasn't too much (not more then $300) then that would be cool. Also hard drive, the guy didn't know if it was 6 or 3 ( he wasnt much of a mac guy ) if its 6 I won't upgrade that in a while, but if it's 3.2 I definately want to put in a new one. I'm looking for either a 10 or 20 gb hard drive with 7,200 rpm for it. And I know there will be definately some minor scratches on the outside and I think I'm going to get this - www.radtech.us/icecreme.html
Anyone know if it works good? Any help would be most appreciated :D

Thanks, Jonathan

Well, to begin with, all of the information I've seen indicates that the Clamshells can only support a 256 MB chip in the expansion slot, so if the seller claims it has "256 MB", it is probably already maxed-out in the memory department. As far as a processor upgrade is concerned, none are available for any of the iBooks (although with money and effort, you could probably swap in the entire board from one of the later Clamshells, but that would't really be an "upgrade"). I can't comment on the IceCreme, but I believe some other members have used it. Judging by its name though, I'd imagine it's intended more for the Snowbooks than the Clamshells.


clamshell ibook

Padawan said:
Well, to begin with, all of the information I've seen indicates that the Clamshells can only support a 256 MB chip in the expansion slot, so if the seller claims it has "256 MB", it is probably already maxed-out in the memory department. As far as a processor upgrade is concerned, none are available for any of the iBooks (although with money and effort, you could probably swap in the entire board from one of the later Clamshells, but that would't really be an "upgrade"). I can't comment on the IceCreme, but I believe some other members have used it. Judging by its name though, I'd imagine it's intended more for the Snowbooks than the Clamshells.

Actually you are wrong about the memory card. The clamshell ibooks had 64 meg on the motherboard and according to Apple can take a 256 meg card. I too had seen posts on the web saying that you could add more. I talked to a Apple dealer in Calgary AB and they heard the same thing but that no one had tried it. I said that I would so I went back and got the ibook and back to the dealer. They brought out a 512 meg card for a new ibook and we installed it and it works fine so I now have 576 meg in my clamshell. Apple has always been conservitive in memory that it can support and at the time of the original ibooks only 256 meg cards were available. There is only one memory card slot so if it has a 256 meg in it you have to get a 512, not another 256. Check about this mac and it will tell you what it has. The ibook that I bought is a 366 graphite and had 128 meg card in it.

Have to be carefull about swapping a faster motherboard as later ibooks had firewire which your 300 would not have so the case is also a bit different. Not too sure about other changes made with the newer faster ibooks.

Even swapping the hard drive can be a challenge I gather where you have to tear it all apart. Mine has a 6 gig in it and I am running OSX 10.2.8 and have 9.2 installed also. Still plenty of room on it. Earlier ones had a 3 gig. Again if you go to properties it should give some idea of hd size.

Larry Zasitko


Thanks, Larry! I'm glad to hear that I can put a 512 stick in the empty slot. So the 64 is built-in and isnt an accessible slot? I see. I'm hoping that it has a 6 gb hard drive for I'll just keep it but If it has a 3.2 hard drive then I'll probably end up wanting to put in a 10 gb internal. I figured that I could put in a motherboard (the processor chip) from the 366 or 466, but I doubt I'll do that any time soon seeing as I don't have any money at the moment (I'm only 14 years old :rolleyes: ) but if the local apple retailer would be willing to installl it I might look for a 466 one on ebay (366 doesnt seem worth it unless it was a whole lot cheaper) Until then tho I'll have to settle with 300 mhz and 576 (512 stick with the 64 built-in) ram.My friend has a 333 mhz iMac wtih 288 mb ram and it runs panther pretty good (only thing horrible about it is minimizing just doesnt look cool its kind of choppy and just not the same) So seeing as I'll have double ram hopefully mine will run a little better then his does. Would 466 mhz make a big difference? Also, can you run jaguar with 64 mb ram? I know panther requires 128 mb but I thought I heard somewhere it was the first to require a certain amount of ram and I think I've heard of clamshell ibooks (on ebay) that have 64 mb and jaguar. I was wondering cause I wont be able to get more ram until about a week after I receive the laptop and I didn't want to have to use OS 9 for that week. Thanks for any help!


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