Just a few questions

Mar 28, 2010
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Ok so I am new mac user and have fairly basic computer skills, so try to speak in layman's terms on here in any of your answers for me! Thanks!

1) After reading some of the other forums on here I decided to try Acquisition on my mac instead of limewire or any of the other softwares like it that I hear tend to have a lot of viruses... I am trying to download it, but it has been stuck at 7% download for about 20 minutes... do I need to turn off any pop up blockers or anything for it to work, or is it just a glitch and I should stop it and restart the download? Further more do you all think that this is a safe, virus free program to use?

2) I need to hook my computer up to a projector, but I obviously can not use the cord that they have on there because there is no port that looks anything like that on my mac... does anyone know the cord I could use instead?

Thanks anyone for taking the time to read this!
Jul 30, 2009
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Your Mac's Specs
Mac Mini (Late 2014) 2.6GHz Intel Core i5 Memory: 8GB 1600MHz DDR3
Thanks anyone for taking the time to read this!

A better topic title would have helped.

I can't advise you on #2, but, there are no viruses currently that affect your Mac, so it can't become infected.


Ok so I am new mac user and have fairly basic computer skills, so try to speak in layman's terms on here in any of your answers for me! Thanks!

1) After reading some of the other forums on here I decided to try Acquisition on my mac instead of limewire or any of the other softwares like it that I hear tend to have a lot of viruses...

If you're new to the Mac, I'd suggest you lay off the pirating apps for a while and just stick to learning the programs that came with your Mac (and the Mac mindset in general). If you need something that didn't come with your Mac, there are the following resources:

1. The iTunes store has very inexpensive music, TV shows, free podcasts galore, and cheap to rent movies. As a lifelong cinephile I can tell you that it is a huge waste of HD space trying to "collect" pirated films -- very few movies (relatively speaking) are actually worth keeping/repeated viewing. Renting (from iTunes or Netflix or whatever you like) is much easier, wastes a lot less of your TIME and RESOURCES, and is very inexpensive and satisfying.

2. There is a TON of great Mac shareware out there, and Mac developers who could use your support. Not only are these tools usually VERY moderately priced, they occasionally go on sale (like the MacUpdate Bundle going on right now, or daily "deal" sites like MacZOT!).

Lastly, as is mentioned all over the place here (but specifically in this thread), Macs don't get viruses. There are no viruses for Macs. They're immune to Windows viruses (unless you're running Windows on your Mac, of course).

2) I need to hook my computer up to a projector, but I obviously can not use the cord that they have on there because there is no port that looks anything like that on my mac... does anyone know the cord I could use instead?

Without telling us what kind of Mac you have (and, for that matter, what connectors your projector has), there's not a lot we can offer in terms of help.

A better thread title, along with more specific information, will always get you faster and better answers.

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