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iPOD in your car (ICELink last time)



Hi all -

This is an open post in response to all of your (never ending) emails asking about the features new ICELink iPOD car connection kit at http://icelink.densionusa.com

In short,
- ICELink converts your iPOD to a "CD Changer"
- YES, you will have to sacrifice your CD Changer
- Control from radio / steering wheel buttons
- Separate Classic and 3G modules exists
- Connects behind the car radio [professional install], or in the trunk* [end user install]
- WIll not display CD info on your radio - most radios simply don't let you do that
- CD quality - not FM, not TAPE
- Preorders accepted for BMW, Audi, VW, and few others
- YES, we will be adding more cars soon
- YES, there will be install pictures soon
- YES, you will see this product available at major MAC accessory retailers
- MSRP $149 - $199 depending on model
- YES, this is the first and the only such interface
- NO, we cannot answer all emails, but we do our best - just a bit of patience please
- YES we can post your install pictures on icelink.densionusa.com (soon)

Hope this clarifies a few of your questions.

[email protected]


lbarabas said:
Hi all -

This is an open post in response to all of your (never ending) emails asking about the features new ICELink iPOD car connection kit at http://icelink.densionusa.com

In short,
- ICELink converts your iPOD to a "CD Changer"
- YES, you will have to sacrifice your CD Changer
- Control from radio / steering wheel buttons
- Separate Classic and 3G modules exists
- Connects behind the car radio [professional install], or in the trunk* [end user install]
- WIll not display CD info on your radio - most radios simply don't let you do that
- CD quality - not FM, not TAPE
- Preorders accepted for BMW, Audi, VW, and few others
- YES, we will be adding more cars soon
- YES, there will be install pictures soon
- YES, you will see this product available at major MAC accessory retailers
- MSRP $149 - $199 depending on model
- YES, this is the first and the only such interface
- NO, we cannot answer all emails, but we do our best - just a bit of patience please
- YES we can post your install pictures on icelink.densionusa.com (soon)

Hope this clarifies a few of your questions.

[email protected]

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