iPhone+ATT=Horrible!! pass it on...

Jun 11, 2006
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Your Mac's Specs
2.2GHz Intel Core Duo processor, 120GB hard drive, 2GB RAM, 15" widescreen... pretty basic.
If you only have two lines, it should only be $189.99 per month, but since you are a new customer, there are a lot of RIDICULOUS fees to pay. When I first signed up two years ago (they were still Cingular), there was a processing fee to pay... almost like joining a gym, and they prorate your first month and you pay for the next month. That's why your bill is so high. However, your bill should be no more than $200.00 next month if you don't overuse your texts or purchase any ringtones... if you stay within your allotted usage and they charge you more than $200.00, I say you call AT&T.

My wife called today and had her number changed, so I programmed the new one into my phone. I called it later to realize that they failed to make the change and I ended up calling a guy who got the new number that my wife wanted. I decided to call back and was very stern with them. Not only did they change the number right then and there, I made them waive the fee included with changing phone numbers. My wife was just too nice with them...

My point is, everything is fair if it's laid out and you decide to go for it. However, if you feel like you're being treated unfairly, assess the situation and be certain of it. AT&T/Cingular Wireless generally have good customer service, but sometimes you have to be stern with them because they can be quite incompetent at times.

Best of luck. Unfortunately you'll have to wait another month to see if they are ripping you off.

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