I help seniors with their ipads. Several are near capacity and thus will be unable to update without deleting a lot of stuff. Can I do the update for them from my mac laptop? (that is plug their ipad into my mac?)
Pat.... - well, as you likely know, there are only two ways to upgrade the iOS on an iPad, i.e. OTA (Over the Air, wirelessly) or cabled to a computer using iTunes; the latter will involve having the device authorized for an iPad and also an Apple ID - don't see how that would be possible w/ multiple iPads & different IDs using your laptop?
First, I'm assuming that all of these iPad users have their own Apple IDs - correct? Second, how many have computers w/ iTunes? The first thought is to at least for those w/ computers & iTunes to backup their iPads (if not already done) and then do a cabled upgrade. For those w/o computers, a backup to iCloud using their Apple IDs would be used and then an OTA upgrade performed - for that to work, at least 5 GB of storage needs to be free, so the non-essential data (pics, music, etc.) & apps would have to be deleted; of course, purchased apps, music, et al can always be re-downloaded.
That's my thinking but maybe others will have a different solution(s). Dave