I'm still kicking the tin can around you could say. Still debating what Mac I should get or if I should at all. Applications are no problem. Every program I use runs on OS X (I'm an open source type of person).
A Macbook would be a great thing for me. I'm just afraid that I'll get it and end up doing the same thing I do with my current notebook computer: set it on a desk and use it like a desktop. If I end up doing this, I'd rather just get an iMac, which would be a little less money, have a good ATI video card, and a larger screen.
Graphics card is kind of important. I like to work with 3D computer graphics and so you have the work screen which is where you work with the polygons in real time. But that doesn't really need a lot of power. The part that requires a lot is when you render and use the CPU. The GMA 950 outperforms my current card by double, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't go for something better.
On the other hand, I'm sure that if I did buy a Macbook, that I wouldn't use it at my desk all the time. It's lighter, has a longer battery life, and can use my wireless network for internet. These are things my current notebook just don't do.
The trackpad is another thing. I ended up buying a external mouse for my notebook, which then caused me to use it on the desktop in the first place. Every trackpad I've used so far is trash in my mind. Small and unresponsive. Is the trackpad on the Macbook any good?
A Macbook would be a great thing for me. I'm just afraid that I'll get it and end up doing the same thing I do with my current notebook computer: set it on a desk and use it like a desktop. If I end up doing this, I'd rather just get an iMac, which would be a little less money, have a good ATI video card, and a larger screen.
Graphics card is kind of important. I like to work with 3D computer graphics and so you have the work screen which is where you work with the polygons in real time. But that doesn't really need a lot of power. The part that requires a lot is when you render and use the CPU. The GMA 950 outperforms my current card by double, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't go for something better.
On the other hand, I'm sure that if I did buy a Macbook, that I wouldn't use it at my desk all the time. It's lighter, has a longer battery life, and can use my wireless network for internet. These are things my current notebook just don't do.
The trackpad is another thing. I ended up buying a external mouse for my notebook, which then caused me to use it on the desktop in the first place. Every trackpad I've used so far is trash in my mind. Small and unresponsive. Is the trackpad on the Macbook any good?