So I was a PC user until yesterday. Bought a 30gb portable drive that would work between PC and MAC so I can work on both. I am SO sad that my ibook doesnt read my portable drive!
I brought it into the apple store and it works FINE with any other mac like powerbook, imac etc. It only doesnt work with 1ghz ibook (both 12 and 14"). it even worked fine with the ibook 800mhz!!
Just wondering if anyone has had the same problem working the ibook g4 (1ghz) with any mass storage devices (that needs lots of power). I'm sssooo upset. please help and dont make me give up on mac!!!
I brought it into the apple store and it works FINE with any other mac like powerbook, imac etc. It only doesnt work with 1ghz ibook (both 12 and 14"). it even worked fine with the ibook 800mhz!!
Just wondering if anyone has had the same problem working the ibook g4 (1ghz) with any mass storage devices (that needs lots of power). I'm sssooo upset. please help and dont make me give up on mac!!!