I still can't get my dell laptop to connect my airport



After many attempts. I'm about ready to give up. Maybe there is some setting I'm missing, but others have said it worked for them, but all attempts have failed.

I show a connection, but still no internet.

I used to have an imac and an original ibook running great off my airport with a dsl connection. I sold the ibook and my work gave a dell laptop with a wavelan wireless card that connects at work but not at home.

I should be able to connect. Anyone have any ideas?

Jul 21, 2003
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Coruscant, Galactic Republic
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14" iBook G3 900/640/40 _ _ Power Macintosh G3 All-In-One 315/768/20 _ _ 20 GB iPod
romeogk said:
After many attempts. I'm about ready to give up. Maybe there is some setting I'm missing, but others have said it worked for them, but all attempts have failed.

I show a connection, but still no internet.

I used to have an imac and an original ibook running great off my airport with a dsl connection. I sold the ibook and my work gave a dell laptop with a wavelan wireless card that connects at work but not at home.

I should be able to connect. Anyone have any ideas?


Have you checked here?: http://discussions.info.apple.com/WebX?13@@.effe91f

I don't have any experience with the Airport base station, but there should be some decent info in that forum.

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