• The Mac-Forums Community Guidelines (linked at the top of every forum) are very clear, we respect US law and court precedence when it comes to legality of activity.

    Therefore to clarify:
    • You may not discuss breaking DVD or BluRay encryption, copying, or "ripping" commercial, copy-protected DVDs.
    • This includes DVDs or BluRays you own. Even if you own the DVD or BluRay, it is still technically illegal under the DMCA to break the encryption. While some may argue otherwise, until the law is rewritten or the US Supreme Court strikes it down, we will adhere to the current intent of the law.
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I Movie as an attachment?

Apr 15, 2010
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We are trying to share our i-movies. We keep being told (from Apple/Mac) that we should use Mobile Me, but we do not have Iphones, so I don't really want to pay the 175 family fee. We saved the movie in Quicktime format thinking that would be easier, but the options in "Share" are itunes, Mobile Me and You Tube.

Is there not a way you can just e-mail the video as an attachment, much like the hundreds of clips and jokes that I get from my sister each week?


To email a movie, first and foremost the movie needs to be SHORT, and it will need to be shrunk down to a very small resolution. You'll want to select "Tiny" or "Mobile" and make your film maybe 10 minutes (tops!) to be able to email it in a practical way.

A far better idea is to export it as a standard size (by which I mean 640x480) movie, upload it to a web server gallery (such as the Mobile Me gallery, but there are others available) and then email the URL to people instead. Not only do you not clog their inbox, you put the power of viewing (or ignoring) your opus in their hands, not to mention the ones who do choose to click through will see a much larger (and potentially longer) video than could possibly be sent via email.

There aren't a lot of places that will host videos for free, but iMovie thoughtfully provides one non-Apple option: YouTube. You can make a video posted to YouTube "private," meaning only up to 25 of your closest buddies can see it. And it can't be longer than 10 minutes.

You know what? Typing is boring. Here, let the ninja explain it:
YouTube - YouTube 101: Private Sharing
Jun 25, 2005
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On the road
Your Mac's Specs
2011 MBP, i7, 16GB RAM, MBP 2.16Ghz Core Duo, 2GB ram, Dual 867Mhz MDD, 1.75GB ram, ATI 9800 Pro vid
Mobile Me has noting to do with owning an iPhone.

I wouldn't try e-mailing a video. I would go with chas_m's suggestion of using hosting site. The reason is two fold. First, video files can be very large and violate the size limitations of either the sending mail host or the receiving mail host. In this case you'll get an e-mail or error back saying so. Second, most people can view these hosting services, where as you may send a format that the receiver can read and doesn't know how to add something like QuickTime to play it.

To trim down the size of your video for possible e-mail, see my iMovie Export Guide.

Vimeo and Viddler are two other video hosting sites. I do know that you can make videos require a password for viewing.

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